Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On March 3, 2023, a round table was held at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in a mixed mode, the purpose of which was to involve stakeholders in a productive and constructive discussion regarding the discussion of the educational and scientific program "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity", specialty 076 " Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity", of the third level of higher education "Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)".

The event was attended by the dean of the Faculty of Management and Business Design, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Oleksandra OLSHANSKA, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Taliat BIELIALOV, members of the working groups for the development of the educational and scientific program, scientific and pedagogical staff and postgraduate students of the department, studying under this educational and scientific program, as well as stakeholders from among the business partners of KNUTD: Ennan ASHYROV, director of "FAV KYIV" LLC; Oleksandr PERESYPKO, director of WORLD GREENING SYSTEM LLC; Seit-Bekir SULEYMANOV, general director of TAKAVA LLC; Oleg Smirnov, general director of "OLDIM" LLC; Olena YERSHOVA, general director of "Glory Pak" LLC; Valery VODOTYKA, Head of the Center for Management of Product and Service Solutions for Client Segments of JSC "UKRSIBBANK"; Amet LYUMANOV, director of OKSHINA LLC and representatives of the scientific community of Ukrainian and foreign institutions of higher education: Chobitok Viktoria Ivanivna, doctor of economics, professor, acting Head of the Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology, Management and Adult Education of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv; Samira PILETSKA, doctor of economics, professor, professor of the Department of Air Transport Economics of the National Aviation University, Kyiv; Victoria GOTRA, doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of the department of enterprise economics of the Uzhhorod National University; Rafal REBILAS, professor, vice rector of the Academy "Higher School of Business" (Dombrowa Gurnicza, Poland); Yuriy VITKOVSKY, doctor of economics, professor, vice-dean of the Academy "Higher School of Business" (Dombrowa Gurnicha, Poland); Josef ZATKO, Doctor of Science, Professor, President of the European Institute of Continuing Education from the Slovak Republic.

The event was started by the moderator - Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Taliat BELIALOV, who emphasized the need for the cooperation of the team of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business with stakeholders of various sectors: the scientific community, employers, graduates of the program, etc. He emphasized the importance and relevance of holding such meetings, outlined ways of joint activities of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business with stakeholders.

During the meeting, a wide range of issues regarding the current state of training of postgraduate students of the educational and scientific program Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activities were considered and discussed; the content of educational components and professional competences, necessary for the preparation of future doctors of philosophy in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity, competitive in the labor market; methods of activating applicants in the conditions of timely challenges; academic mobility of both applicants and scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business.

The representatives of the scientific community also expressed their opinion, who were unanimous in the fact that critical and analytical thinking, the ability to defend one's opinion and present one's own research is an extremely important value for a modern postgraduate students of the program  Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchange education. In addition, Professor Samira PILETSKA emphasized the expansion of the material and technical component of the training of future scientists in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity, the strengthening of pedagogical practice and the inclusion of educational components in the program that will allow graduate students to conduct scientific research of the highest quality.

Stakeholders-employers expressed suggestions for expanding cooperation prospects. Thus, Oleksandr PERESYPKO, director of LLC "WORLD GREENIZED SYSTEM" offered to conduct scientific research and approbation of the results of these studies by the postgraduate students of education at enterprises - stakeholders that directly took and participate in the development and bringing this educational and scientific program to perfection. It would be very relevant and expedient as stakeholders and graduate students have a common goal, namely the search for ways to survive and develop business in the conditions of a crisis situation, political instability, and war in Ukraine.

The guarantor of the educational and scientific program, professor Iryna MYAGKYH, noted that the useful information received during the discussion will be the basis for improving the content and quality of the ONP 076 specialty "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity", the third level of higher education "Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)".

The staff of the department expresses its sincere gratitude for an interesting and meaningful meeting and valuable recommendations regarding the improvement of the ONP "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity" of the third level of higher education "Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)", as well as theoretical and practical training of postgraduate students of the program.
