Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On April 06, 2023, the VIII Interindustry Job Fair was held at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. The event was opened by a Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, and Rector of our University, Ivan HRyshchenko.

In his speech, Ivan Mykhailovych welcomed the participants and guests of the event and emphasized the importance of supporting young people in today’s difficult conditions, underlined the role of a strong connection between business and higher education, and described the main priorities and activities of the University.

This year, our event was organized with the assistance and support of the Kyiv City Employment Center. Oksana Shubina, Deputy Head of the Employment Promotion Department of the Kyiv City Employment Center, welcomed the participants and guests of the VIII Interindustry Job Fair and briefly informed them about the training and other services provided by the employment center.

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and the «Ukrlegprom» Association have a long-standing friendship and cooperation. Tatiana Izovit, President and Chairman of the Board of the «Ukrlegprom» Association, spoke at the VIII Interindustry Job Fair.

Andriy Sidlyarenko, L&D for HELs Lead, representative of Genesis, a Ukrainian co-founding IT company that builds global technology businesses together with the best entrepreneurs in Central and Eastern Europe, spoke about the content of education as a criterion for selecting employees.

Victoria Makhnevych, Director of TK-HUB LLC, advised our students on how to achieve practical success in the fashion industry.

Oksana YARMOLA, Regional Sales Director of the Central Region of PJSC CB Akordbank, gave useful advice to our students on financial literacy and invited young and ambitious professionals to join the team.

Roman KURYLENKO, employer and brand specialist at SoftServe, one of the largest software development companies in Central and Eastern Europe, made a presentation at the VIII Interindustry Job Fair.

Natalia POLISHCHUK, Head of Lab Testing at EPAM Systems, presented one of the largest IT companies in Ukraine, which needs our best designers, engineers, marketers, and other, young talented professionals at the Job Fair.

Also, at the event, Kateryna Bolshakova, a specialist in the recruitment and adaptation department of Ventilation Systems, made a presentation about the company.


This year’s Job Fair was attended by 28 companies and organizations from various industries and fields of activity, most of which are regular participants and reliable partners of the University.

In particular, the following companies took part in the VIII Interindustry Job Fair: COSTAL-Ukraine LLC, chemical industry (represented by Serhiy Prystynskyi), First Ukrainian International Bank (represented by Alisa Stepanian), LIPSKYI FOP, TM LITINI, fashion industry (represented by Tymofiy Lipskyі), “Farmak” pharmaceutical company (represented by Nadiia Shtepa, Tetiana Semendiaieva), TD RICHMEN LLC, chemical industry (represented by Natalia Sorokina), RITO, Ukrainian knitwear brand (represented by Tetiana Abramova), KYIVGUMA LLC, chemical industry (represented by Kateryna Kleshchova), “Premier Socks”, knitwear production (represented by Tetiana Zhdamarova), Poltava Knitwear Factory “Mriia” Collective Enterprise (represented by Tetiana Zhdamarova), ODYSSEY PLUS Private Enterprise, production of clothing and accessories (represented by Vadym Lytvyn), “Toros-Group” Private Enterprise, orthopedic products (represented by Anna Kharchenko), LLC “Prime Shoes”, footwear production (represented by Oleksandr Bondar), ROSA knitting factory (represented by Nina Vdovychenko), LLC “Advertising Textile” (represented by Lesya Maliuta), Pharmex Group LLC, pharmaceutical industry (represented by Tatiana Leleka, Yulia Maksymenko), Surikat, national manufacturer of bags and backpacks (represented by Daryna Atamanenko); casting director, producer of the TV channel “Ukraine”, director of the TELE-PRO channel Oleksandr Pylypenko and Viktor Sukhobrus, director of production, producer of the TV channel “Ukraine”.

During the VIII Interindustry Job Fair, a lot of master classes, webinars, and training sessions were organized with the participation of leading companies from various industries and fields of activity. At these master classes and webinars, students could learn about the practical application of their knowledge and skills, communicate with the companies’ representatives and ask them questions.

The participation of students in the Job Fair helps them to improve their orientation in the labor market, get direct contact with employers, facilitate their future employment, and inspire future professionals to new creative achievements.
