Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On 14 April 2023, a regular meeting of the Council of Veterans was held and its new members were approved. The Council of Veterans, as an advisory body of KNUTD, consists of professors, associate professors, researchers, and other employees who have made a significant contribution to the development of the University. The Council of Veterans contributes to the provision and implementation of state policy in the field of higher education and science, creating conditions for deepening cooperation between the University and business, it studies problems and ensures their solution within the limits of its powers.

The meeting was attended by Ivan Hryshchenko, Rector of KNUTD, and 10 members of the Council of Veterans, namely: Viktor Lishchuk, Professor of the Department of Fashion Technology; Maryna Kolosnichenko, Professor of the Department of Modelling and Artistic Decoration of Clothes; Olha Andreieva, Professor of the Department of Biotechnology, Leather and Fur; Viktor Chuprynka, Professor of the Department of Computer Science; Anatolii Oliinyk, Professor of the Department of Private and Public Law; Mykola Bondarenko, Head of the Training Laboratory of the Department of Computer Engineering and Electromechanics; Tetiana Makhinia, Head of the Training Laboratory of the Department of Fashion Technology; Valentyna Voloshko, Career Guidance Specialist of the KNUTD College of Arts and Design, Kyiv; Larysa Serhiienko, specialist of the 1st category of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Management and Business Design; Nadiia Pashkevych, superintendent of the University building No. 4.

During the meeting, Viktor Lishchuk was elected chairman of the Council of Veterans, Marina Kolosnichenko – deputy chairman, and Larysa Serhiienko – secretary.

The meeting reviewed the work plan for 2023 and decided to hold meetings on a monthly basis.

Ivan Hryshchenko addressed the participants and stressed the importance of the experience and role of the KNUTD Council of Veterans in preserving and developing the best traditions of the University and national and patriotic education of young people, especially today in the context of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine. We must cherish high moral ideals, encourage the establishment of education, resilience, self-identity, and responsibility in times of trial for the Ukrainian people, form a willingness to defend the Motherland bringing victory closer, train highly qualified specialists and patriotic citizens for economic development and post-war reconstruction of our great, free, strong country!

A nationally conscious, educated, courageous society is invincible! Together to Victory!
