Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Scientific club meetings at the Department of Information and Computer Technologies are regularly held with the aim of enhancing the scientific potential of bachelor's and master's degree students.

On April 10, 2023, a meeting of the scientific group "Modern Information Technologies" was held at the Department of Information and Computer Technologies, led by the head of the department, Skidan V.V. The topic of the meeting was "Video Editing in Sony Vegas". In the program, students were introduced to various video editing techniques, from simple cuts and transitions to complex effects and animations. Some of the techniques covered included: cutting and joining video clips, adding sound, color correction, adding text and graphics, effects and filters, and animation.


On April 13, 2023, under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Dromenko V.B. from the Department of ICT, the meeting of the scientific circle "Modern Approaches to Programming in C++" took place on the topic "Programming Concepts for Windows. Working with Menus and Toolbars". Bachelor's and master's degree students presented their achievements in developing Windows Forms in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 programming environment in the form of reports.

The participants of the meeting paid particular attention to the issues of interaction between the applications developed in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and Windows. The nuances of adding message handlers to menus were discussed, as well as methods and peculiarities of their application. In a discussion format, members of the scientific club discussed adding buttons to the toolbar.

The conducted meeting of the scientific circle motivated higher education seekers to develop their own projects by optimizing the structure and algorithms for controlling technological processes and inspired them towards design activities.

On April 14, 2023, under the guidance of Associate Professor of the ICT Department, Yurii Pylypenko, a meeting of the scientific circle "Microprocessor and software tools for automation" was held on the topic "I2C Bus and Its Application". Bachelor's and master's degree students were introduced to the history of the I2C protocol and the basics of its application. The I2C bus (pronounced "eye-two-see") provides reliable high-speed two-way communication between devices and requires a minimal number of input-output contacts. The I2C bus is connected to a master device (usually a microcontroller) and one or more slave devices that receive information from the master.

The connection of an LCD to a microcontroller using the I2C bus was discussed, as well as its configuration

The conclusions for practical application of the obtained results were made.

On April 19, 2023, a seminar on "Cloud Services in Management" was held as part of the work of the scientific circle "Embedded Systems and Internet of Things" under the guidance of Associate Professor of the ICT Department, Y. Lebedenko. Bachelor's and master's degree students presented their reports on achievements in the development of embedded systems. They also shared their experience in using cloud services for management, particularly within the concept of the Internet of Things.


The participants of the meeting paid special attention to the issues of information security in embedded systems that use cloud services. The risks of using remote cloud services, threats to information security, and means of strengthening it were discussed in detail. The meeting also included a discussion of problems related to reducing the energy consumption of embedded equipment that operates on autonomous power sources.

The seminar provided an opportunity for the development and enhancement of competencies related to research and design of embedded systems, mechatronic systems, and the Internet of Things. Such events stimulate and motivate higher education students to create their own  Internet of Things devices that meet modern requirements for efficiency, energy conservation, and information security.
