Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On April 20, 2023, the II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Electromechanical, Information Systems and Nanotechnologies” was held at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.

The Conference was held with the support of the INTEREPID-HEI international project.

More than 60 participants from higher education institutions took part in the Conference: Khmelnytskyi National University; Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”; Mykhailo Ostrogradsky Kremenchuk National University; Donetsk National Technical University (Lutsk, Volyn Region); the East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University (Severodonetsk, Luhansk Region); State Cooperative University of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany; Žilina University, Žilina, Slovak Republic; Košice Technical University, Košice, Slovak Republic.

KNUTD Vice-rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities Lyudmila Hanushchak-Yefimenko and KNUTD Vice-rector for Digital Transformation Volodymyr Statsenko addressed the participants of the Conference with a welcome speech.


Igor Panasiuk, Director of the Institute of Engineering and Information Technologies of KNUTD, moderated the Conference.


The Conference participants were greeted by Oleksandr Kollarov, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department of Donetsk National Technical University.


On behalf of the East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University, the Conference participants were greeted by Yevhen Rudnev, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department.


On behalf of our foreign partners and friends, Ali Salim ogli Kerimov, Head of the Technical Department of SOCAR gas export (Azerbaijan Republic) and associate professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of Technical University of Košice Dušan MEDEVED (Slovak Republic) addressed the participants of the Conference with a welcome speech.

The plenary session was opened with the report “Development of a gas consumption measurement system based on fuzzy logic” presented by Elsevar Allahverdiyev, a graduate student of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.


At the plenary session, 10 reports of undergraduate and graduate students were heard. The speakers were Yaroslav Boronin, a student of the East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University; graduate students of KNUTD Andriy Pisotskyi and Yevhenii Stanovskyi; KNUTD students Dmytro Ponomariev, Ruslan Marchenko, Ilia Kuznetsov, Dmytro Buriak, Anastasia Kurushkina, Andriy Androschuk.


After the break, the Conference continued its work in breakout sessions. The participants exchanged information and experience on the analysis, research and development of electrical and electromechanical equipment, power systems, renewable energy systems, energy saving, information and computer systems and networks, and environmental safety. Postgraduate students, undergraduates and teachers of the Institute of Engineering and Information Technologies of KNUTD took an active part in the Conference.

The organizers of the Conference are grateful to all the participants for their fruitful cooperation and active participation in the work of the II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Electromechanical, Information Systems and Nanotechnologies”. Based on the results of the work, an electronic collection of conference materials was prepared.

See you all soon!
