Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Meeting of the students with the representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

As part of the course “Life Safety and Civil Protection”, a meeting of KNUTD students with the representatives of the Pechersk district administration of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine of Kyiv took place.

The rescuers delivered a safety lecture for students on the topic “Air raid siren”. Unfortunately, the lecture also had a practical component because it took place during a real air raid alarm in the bomb shelter of the University.

During the lecture, the rescuers emphasized the basic rules of fire safety and life safety, namely: compliance with household safety rules, the algorithm of actions in case of detection of explosive objects and during the “Air raid siren” signal, rules of safe use of gas and electrical appliances.


So that the students and employees better remember the entire amount of information, the leaflets and posters with the rules and recommendations were given to the University.


Rescuers are doing their best to prevent trouble!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones by following the safety rules!
