Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On April 29, 2023 at 08:30 in the conference hall of the rectorate of KNUTD (room 1-0322), an open lecture «Modern Ukrainian drama: conflict, hero, chronotope» was given by Dr Nataliia Yuhan, an intern at the Institute of German Studies of the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf (Germany). The organizer of the meeting was the Department of Philology and Translation. The lecture was held with the aim of improving the quality of the educational process, strengthening the professional training of students of the Institute of Law and Modern Technologies, internationalisation of higher education and within the context of international cooperation in science and education.

Students and lecturers of the Department of Philology and Translation of KNUTD gathered in the conference hall to listen to the mentioned lecture. Many students and scientists interested in the lecture had an opportunity to join the lecture online.

Dr Nataliia Yuhan analysed the current issues of modern literary studies, namely the specifics of the conflict, the hero and the chronotope in the Ukrainian drama of 2000-2010. The research was carried out on the basis of the analysis of 38 plays. All present listeners understood that the attention of modern dramatists is attracted by various socio-historical and social conflicts that occurred in Ukraine, such as: the Holodomor of 1932-1933, the Second World War, the Second Maidan, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as problems of academic integrity. Interpersonal conflicts are the basis of a significant number of plays by Ukrainian playwrights. The tendency of numerous works of modern drama is that they are based on fantastic plots with an «unreal» chronotope. The positive heroes of national plays defend their principled pro-Ukrainian position, protect national values and cultural heritage of their people, and communicate in the Ukrainian language.

During the lecture, Dr Nataliia Yuhan shared her own impressions of the experience of scientific research in German higher education institutions and characterized some features of the educational process in German universities. The lecturer emphasized the special interest of European colleagues in cooperation with Ukrainian scientists and educators.

The lecture took place in an atmosphere of active interaction and open communication between the lecturer and the audience. At the end of the lecture, the students asked questions, to which Dr Nataliia Yuhan provided comprehensive answers.

The open lecture given by Dr Nataliia Yugan made a positive impression on philologists, students and all connoisseurs of modern Ukrainian literature. Students and teachers of the Department of Philology and Translation of the Institute of Law and Modern Technologies are sincerely grateful to Mrs. Nataliya for the relevant informative lecture and fruitful discussion.
