Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Activities of student scientific clubs at the Department of Modeling and Artistic Decoration of Clothes

There are three student scientific clubs at the Department of Modeling and Artistic Decoration of Clothes of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD). Their meetings are held according to schedule outside of study time in different locations.

The work plan of the student scientific clubs includes participation in conferences of various levels, competitions of scientific and creative works, round tables, and scientific research works, carried out at the expense of state budget funds; publication of scientific articles and abstracts of reports; scientific developments in the form of sketches, technical drawings of clothing models and other products of the light industry, etc.

Leaders of scientific clubs take into account the interests and abilities of higher education seekers in research work, they encourage and interest young people, guided by such principles of work as independence, scientificity, expediency, planning, openness, transparency, etc.


On April 25, 2023, a regular meeting of the scientific club “Creation of new types of special, production, uniform clothing with predicted characteristics” was held (leaders – Maryna KOLOSNICHENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Nataliia OSTAPENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Alla RUBANKA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Halyna OLIYNYK, PhD, Associate Professor). At this meeting, the topic “Justification of the choice of rational materials and packages of protective clothing” was considered, in the framework of which the issues of developing special-purpose clothing and research methods for determining the rational number of lining material layers were raised. The members of the club analyzed the methods for determining the temperature of the under-clothing space and considered their advantages and disadvantages. The participants of the club paid a lot of attention to the research of modern materials, the features of designing clothes from them, and the methods of their processing.


The productive result of the activities of the club members in this reporting academic year is their participation in the V International symposium “Creativity. Technologies. Marketing” (March 31, 2023, TUM, Moldova); the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Textile and Fashion Technologies KyivTex&Fashion (October 20, 2022, KNUTD); the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital transformation and digital technology for the sustainable development of all branches of modern education, science, and practice” (January 26, 2023, Lomzha-Kharkiv); the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of modern design” (April 27, 2023, KNUTD); the All-Ukrainian Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists “Innovation in education, science, and business: challenges and opportunities” (November 17, 2022, KNUTD) with subsequent publication of abstracts of reports. Another significant contribution of the club members is the publication of articles in professional publications of Category B of Ukraine – “Art and Design”, and “Bulletin of Khmelnytsky National University”. The winner of the second (master’s) level in 2022 was enrolled in research work, carried out at the expense of the state budget, with remuneration.

The co-leaders of the club provide advice to applicants, carry out expert evaluations of their scientific papers and recommend the best works for publication in these collections, etc.


According to the schedule, on April 19, 2023, Alla Rubanka and Yulia Vesela held regular meetings of the "Clothing design using information technologies" club (leaders – Olha YEZHOVA, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Profesor; Alla RUBANKA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Yuliya VESELA, Assistant), dedicated to the visualization of clothes in the modern information space using 3D programs. The scientific and research club participants’ work involved the analysis of existing CAD clothing, which provides the possibility of virtual fitting of the designed clothing on a 3D mannequin. The students compared the methods of detecting defects and eliminating them in patterns. During the meeting, they expressed their suggestions regarding the perspective of the topics of presentation of the material, and provision of informational and methodical support.

During the 2022-2023 academic year, members of the club took part in the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Textile and Fashion Technologies KyivTex&Fashion (October 20, 2022, KNUTD); the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Technological and Professional Education: Problems and Prospects" (October 21, 2022, Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University of Oleksandr Dovzhenko); the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Design, visual art and creativity: modern trends and technologies" (January 12, 2022, Zaporizhzhia National University); the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital transformation and digital technology for the sustainable development of all branches of modern education, science and practice" (January 26, 2023, Lomzha-Kharkiv); the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern design" (April 27, 2023, KNUTD); the All-Ukrainian Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists "Innovation in education, science and business: challenges and opportunities" (November 17, 2022, KNUTD) with subsequent publication of abstracts of reports. A significant contribution of the club members to its work is the publication of articles in professional publications of Category B of Ukraine – "Art and Design" and "Bulletin of Khmelnytsky National University". The work of the student who won a prize in the "New Year’s Ball" nomination of the 20th International Competition of One Image and New Year’s and Christmas Decor "Suzirya “Kashtan” (November 24, 2022, KNUTD) is also part of the club’s work.


The meeting of the scientific club "Methodology of conducting research activities in the field of design" (leader – Tetiana STRUMINSKA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor) was held on April 18, 2023. Its participants discussed problematic issues related to the types of protection and features of presentations of scientific results project studies in design. During the meeting, there was a lively discussion and an exchange of opinions, the students expressed their views and suggestions regarding the forms and types of presentations of their scientific research. The features of the creation and registration of intellectual property rights as the result of the author's work of students were also discussed.

The result of the scientific work of the club members during this academic year was reported with the publication of theses at the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern design" (April 27, 2023, KNUTD);the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Design, visual art and creativity: modern trends and technologies" (January 12, 2022, Zaporizhzhia National University); the All-Ukrainian Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists "Innovation in education, science, and business: challenges and opportunities" (November 17, 2022, KNUTD). Also, a significant contribution of the participants is their participation in the XX International Competition of One Image and New Year’s and Christmas Decor "Suzirya "Kashtan" (November 24, 2022, KNUTD) and the preparation of creative works for the participation in the 21st International Competition of Young Fashion Designers “Pecherski Kashtany” (2023, KNUTD).

Summing up, it should be noted that the activity of student scientific clubs contributes to the disclosure of the creative and intellectual potential of higher education seekers, the ability to lead a discussion, and the development of critical thinking and research skills.
