Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Meetings of the scientific circle at the department of entrepreneurship and business are systematically held with the aim of increasing the scientific potential of higher education graduates of all levels.

On May 4, 2023, on the initiative of the head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Taliat BELIALOV, the meeting of the scientific circle of the department "Development of innovative entrepreneurship in the knowledge economy" took place on the topic: "Business plan - the first step to success!".

Graduates of higher education at the bachelor's and master's levels who successfully completed the educational trajectory during the course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" (lecturer, Doctor of Economics, associate professor M. Shkoda) had the opportunity to present their business plans. The uniqueness of the meeting of the scientific circle was that the participants had the opportunity to speak to potential investors and entrepreneurs, who shared their professional experience and gave valuable feedback on each of the declared business plans.

We would like to emphasize that the meeting of the scientific group took place in the renovated auditorium of the department. Equipping the auditorium with modern ergonomic furniture, a Smart plasma TV and thermal insulation became possible thanks to the support of the management of UKRYUGIMPEKS LLC, a long-term stakeholder of the department's educational programs, in particular Ennan ASHYROV.

"Science should become the #1 trend in Ukraine, it is important to join forces and create favorable conditions for the development of the student scientific community, because today Ukraine is being formed not only on the battlefield, but also in educational classrooms. It is necessary to comprehensively encourage those students who seek to carry out and popularize scientific research work" - said Ennan ASHYROV in his speech.

We express our gratitude for the help with the renovation of the educational auditorium of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business to the management of LLC "UKRYUGIMPEKS", and we also sincerely thank all the stakeholders of the department's educational programs present for their concern and desire to popularize innovations, support such initiatives and the student scientific movement at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business.

