Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Greetings from the Day of Science in Ukraine

Dear colleagues!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Science!


This is a holiday when scientific traditions and achievements of scientists are honored, which we rightfully write about and on whom we have high hopes.

impact on the full-scale invasion of the Soviet Union in Ukraine, the destruction of scientific infrastructure and the loss of scientific potential, thanks to the daily hard work of university scientists, modern scientific schools continue to develop and technological developments are formed, primarily for the protection of military personnel. The high professionalism of our scientists is highly appreciated all over the world. The daily work of scientists makes an important contribution to the development of society, thanks to the introduction of new technologies, concepts and scientific achievements to contribute to the defense capability of the country and increase the well-being of the people. Today's events will rally scientists to unify and develop strategic scientific approaches to the military recovery and development of Ukraine.

Thanks to everyone who, in today's difficult conditions, develops new scientific directions and confidently accelerates our Victory!!!

I wish each of you peace, good health, family comfort and well-being, strength and energy, professional intuition and growth, new discoveries for the glory and Victory of Ukraine!



Best regards,                                                                                                                                                                                              Rector Ivan Hryshchenko
