Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Work of the scientific clubs at the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving

Throughout April, the scientific clubs of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving worked extremely fruitfully and actively. There are five scientific clubs at the Department, so each student can choose the most interesting scientific direction.

On April 6, 2023, a meeting of the scientific club "Polymer Technologies" was held (scientific advisor – Professor Bohdan Savchenko). The topic of this meeting was “Large-scale additive manufacturing of prototypes”. The task of the club was modeling and additive manufacturing of multifunctional products. The students modeled and made the props for the films "Star Wars" and "Alien" by themselves, thereby directly joining the world film industry.


On April 6, 2023, a meeting of the scientific club "Coloring of polymeric materials" (scientific advisor – Associate Professor I.O. Liashok) was held on the topic "Study of natural dyes". The aim of the work was the coloring of fibrous materials with dyes based on plant extracts. The possibility of obtaining a wide gamut of colors when using both pure extracts of natural dyes and using mordants with metal salts was considered.


On April 11, 2023, a meeting of the scientific club "Chemical technologies for the production of medicines and medical supplies" was held (scientific advisor –  DScTech, Associate Professor Olena Ishchenko.). The topic of the meeting proposed by the leader "Technology of manufacturing non-woven materials for medical purposes" deepened scientific knowledge about polymer materials for medical purposes, which are widely used to produce medical underwear, sanitary and hygienic items, medical clothes, surgical materials, and dressings.


On April 13, 2023, a meeting of the scientific club "Clean environment – the future of the country" was held (scientific advisor – Professor Viktoriia Plavan). The topic of the meeting "Modern methods of analyzing the quality of drinking and wastewater" is an extremely urgent problem today. Control and regulation of the quality of drinking water and wastewater treatment is a very important area of environmental protection against emissions from industrial enterprises.


On April 13, 2023, a meeting of the scientific club "Electrochemistry and Ecology" was held (scientific advisor – senior lecturer Oksana Butenko). "Multi-layer protective screens that combine absorbing and reflective properties" is the topic of the class for senior students. During the work, the students developed new composite materials that protect against electromagnetic radiation. The sophomores at that time conducted soil monitoring, namely, determined the content of the main impurity ions and detected the presence or absence of nitrates in vegetables grown in open and closed soils, thus investigating anthropogenic influence.

