Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



7 scientific clubs worked at the Department of philology and translation in 2022-2023. They are: «School of a young linguist» (scientific supervisor – Associate Professor Maryna Vyshnevska), «Vocational Training» (scientific supervisor – Kseniia Kugai), «Design» /in English/ (scientific supervisors – PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Iryna Kornieieva and teacher Iryna Hladush), «German experience» /in German/, including subsections «Professional German» and «Design» (scientific supervisor – Senior teacher Tetiana Ketova), «Economics and business» (scientific supervisor – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Nataliia Gudkova), «Technologies» (scientific supervisor – Senior teacher Vitalina Denysenko), «Business oriented communication» / in English / (scientific supervisor – Senior teacher Liudmyla Roienko).

The work of the students contributes to the acquisition and development of such knowledge, abilities and skills that allow them to become competitive in the modern labour market.

Thus, the purpose of the scientific clubs work at the department involves:

  • improvement of communicative linguistic competence in order to fully foreign language functioning in a professional environment. By working in scientific language circles, studying foreign language specialized sources, the applicants expand their knowledge of the specialty they are studying, as well as master communication in foreign languages on scientific and natural topics, study the main features of professional texts (terminology, grammatical structures, cliché expressions for oral and written communication in the professional spheres, etc);
  • formation of students’ scientific work skills and their application in independent research activities; formation of the ability for self-education and self-development; obtaining recommendations on the rules of conducting scientific research. On the example of the topics, discussed at the monthly meetings of scientific circles, applicants have been learning how and where to look for primary sources and study the literature;
  • formation of public speaking skills. Applicants are given life hacks on how to calm down before public speaking, how to hold their voice and how to control their facial expressions and gestures during a speech, etc.

Among other things, the main tasks of scientific circles are the following:

  • expansion and deepening of the theoretical knowledge in the professional field;
  • expansion of their horizons; improving skills of independent work with scientific literature and conducting independent scientific research;
  • acquiring experience in organization and involvement in scientific work;
  • assessment of critical thinking, emotional intelligence and creativity, and, of course, teamwork skills.

During the academic year of 2022-2023, in spite of difficult conditions in the country, all the planned events were held by the teachers of the Department of Philology and Translation, some of them were held online.

The results of the clubs’ work are the following:

  • participation in the conferences of the International level = 51
  • participation in the conferences of the All-Ukrainian level = 46
  • public speaking at the conferences of different levels = 46
  • participation in the round-table discussions = 17
  • publication of articles = 16
  • publication of theses = 91
  • participation in creative competitions (as part of the foreign languages’ week)  
  • creating presentations, teaching and educational materials


Scientific club “School of young linguist”

scientific supervisor – associate professor Vishnevska Maryna Oleksandrivna

On October 14, 2022, a meeting was held at which the members of the scientific club considered the trends in the creation of texts by modern means of mass information through the prism of critical thinking; discussed the importance of working with the text and the impact of the form of information presentation on the audience.

At the meeting of the club on May 19, 2023, the participants focused on the study of the linguistic means used by Agatha Christie to create a local flavor in the artistic discourse. This topic was chosen in order to study the creative approach of the famous writer and analyze the methods she used to realize this effect in her works.


Scientific club “Vocational Training”

Scientific supervisor: Kseniia Kugai, associate professor

On October 13, 2022, at the meeting, the club’s members discussed the use of digital technologies in inclusive education.

Several students’ reports and presentations on the issue of utilizing the latest digital technologies in working with children with special educational needs were presented and discussed.

On March 16, 2023, members of the scientific club discussed the relevance of a foreign language in the field of education in the modern world. The English language, the official language of international business and trade, the Internet and technology, science and the arts, is in the first place in terms of popularity.

After listening to the reports, the students, divided into groups, worked on certain communicative tasks. Thus, in addition to improving communication and speech skills, the ability to publicly express their opinion, students improve teamwork skills.


Scientific club “Design” (in English)

scientific supervisors: PhD, associate professor Kornieieva I.O.

and junior lecturer Gladush I. A.

Scientific supervisor – PhD, associate professor Kornieieva I.O.


Zakharchuk A. “Graphic Design” and Khavarenko A. “The history of Graphic Design” gave speeches. There was a discussion and exchange of knowledge among the group members. Based on the results of the conducted research, theses were published.


Boyko T. “Modern Graphic Design in Ukraine”, Shybaieva O. “The impact of typography on user experience in Graphic Design”, Rybalska S. “Character Design in animation evolution and modernity” gave speeches. Finally, there was the discussion. As the result of prolific research work, theses were published.


Academic supervisor, lecturer Hladush I.A.

On October 21, 2022 an online meeting of the scientific club was held on the topic "Manufacturers and specific design needs". The students of BShMKsk-20 and BShMKsk-21 groups took part in the meeting. During the discussion, the university students analyzed some aspects of the use of high-tech materials in the production and implementation of innovative technologies.

On November 9, 2022 the regular meeting was held, at which the students presented a number of reports on the topic "Design in EU economy". The speakers analyzed the prospects of the transition to a circular economy model, the experience of the EU countries and the importance of applying ecological design in various projects.


Scientific club "German experience"

scientific supervisor -  Ketova Tetіana Mykhailivna

section “German for specific purposes”

On April 13, 2023, a meeting of the German-speaking club was held and students of the groups БА-19 and БП-1-19, as well as БДг-3-21 were involved in the work. The theme of the meeting was "From bionics to biomechatronics". It included making a presentation. The students of the group BP-1-19 talked about the regulatory and legislative framework for the population's use of drones as a product of biomechatronics. The topics of emotions and emotional intelligence were discussed, where the students used facial expressions to determine their emotions and also selected appropriate exclamations and phrases (in German). At the same time, they practiced the skill of working in a team.

Section Design” /in German/

On April 20 and May 11, 2023, the meeting of the Design section was held at the Department of Philology and Translation. Topics of the meetings: 1) "Media design. Moderne Tendenzen" (Media design. Modern trends); 2) "Arten des Designs, z.B. Radical-Design, Redesign u.a" (Types of design, such as radical design, re-design, etc.)

The students of the groups БДг-3-21, БДм-1-21, БДм-3-21 participated in the meetings. The students of the 4th year of the Faculty of Design gave their presentations on the topics of the meetings. The presentations given by the students can be used as additional educational material in practical classes for teaching Foreign language for specific purposes. The presentations provoked a lively discussion of one's own preferences in design. The important skill of "critical thinking" was also developed.


Scientific club "Economics and business"

scientific supervisor PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Nataliia Gudkova

21.10.2022. The topic of the meeting: Partnerships: General and Limited.

Students of the group BITsk-21 prepared presentations «How to make business recommendations as an IT consultant» and demonstrated communication foreign language skills in business clubs with suppositive heads of companies, providing them with business advice as IT managers.


Scientific club "Technologies"

scientific supervisor - Denysenko Vitalina Mykolayivna

On August 23, 2022, there was the meeting devoted to the topic "Chemistry meets medicine". During the meeting, topics such as the danger of fungal diseases, as well as drugs capable of combating them, were arisen. The participants prepared presentations and the results have been published in the conference "Innovative trends in the training of specialists in the conditions of a multicultural and multilingual globalized world" and in the international scientific journal "The Grail of Science"

On October 18, 2022 there was the meeting on the topic "Chemistry challenges. Perspectives and threats". The topics such as proper control of the stages of the life cycle of drugs, as well as polypharmacotherapy, which involves the simultaneous use of several medical drugs (medical procedures) against several types of diseases, were discussed. The results of his research have been published in the IV International scientific and practical conference "Scientific Practice", Boston, USA and the international scientific journal "Grail of Science".


Scientific club "Business-oriented communication"

Language and scientific supervisor – Senior Lecturer Roienko Liudmyla Vitaliivna

On April 18th, 2023, during the meeting of the club, the students were studying the functional vocabulary of the English language, which is used according to the topics "Clarifying roles and responsibilities" and "Talking things through". The students deepened their knowledge and improved language skills regarding the use of the English language clichés and phrases used to discuss work functions and responsibilities during business communication orally and in writing.

The next meeting was held on May 16th, 2023, the students studied the functional vocabulary of the English language, which is used according to the topics "Updating a manager on progress" and "Informal progress update". The students were making presentations using English language clichés and phrases used to discuss work issues, updating information during business communication orally and in writing.


The winners have already proposed some interesting and relevant topics for them to work on during the scientific clubs’ meetings of the next academic year.
