Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On July 3, 2023, at the initiative of the National Industrial Partnership in the Light Industry of Ukraine “Fashion Globus Ukraine” and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a round table “Education in the Light Industry of Ukraine” was held at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. It was dedicated to the development of professional education in the industry, current challenges and educational achievements, and the provision of educational institutions with educational literature. The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine D. Zavhorodnyi, Director General of the Directorate of Professional Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine I. Shumik, Rector of KNUTD I. Gryshchenko, Head of the Light Industry Partnership H. Vinohradska, and the representatives of educational institutions.


This event was the final of the unifying vocational guidance festival “The Greatness and Heroism of Professional Education in Ukraine”, which took place from June 15 to 30, 2023, bringing together industry employers and educators from 120 vocational institutions across the country. You can watch vivid videos about 24 regions of Ukraine with information about the development of the industry and vocational education, which were created by the organizers and feature the unity of the rhythm of hearts and the sound of sewing machines that sound in unison with Ukraine in this difficult time, on the festival website:

The light industry has always been one of the brightest and most important business cards of Ukraine’s economy, creating tens of thousands of jobs, actively developing despite the martial law, keeping its economic front during blackouts and missile attacks, and dressing our heroes and heroines at the front in modern military uniforms. One of the explanations for the success of our industry is the high quality of skilled workers. A joint educational event involving higher, post-secondary and vocational education institutions in the industry was very symbolic. The total number of participants reached more than 100 institutions.

Event organizers: Public association “National Industrial Partnership in the Light Industry of Ukraine “Fashion Globus Ukraine”, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, and Association of Employees of Vocational Education and Training Institutions of the Sewing Industry and Services of Ukraine.

Project partners:

- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

- All-Ukrainian Association of Vocational Education Workers of Ukraine;

- Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;

- Scientific and methodological centers of vocational education in Ukraine from all regions;

- Creative agency FⱯNCY;

- Confederation of Employers of Ukraine;

- Samit-Knyha Publishing House.

