On June 26, 2023, following the results of the academic year, a discussion of the educational and scientific program of the higher education degree "Doctor of Philosophy" in the specialty 022 Design took place. The meeting was moderated by the guarantor of the ESP, Professor of the Department of Art and Costume Design, Doctor of Arts, Professor Tetiana Krotova. The roundtable was attended by the undergraduate and graduate students, research and teaching staff, as well as other stakeholders from among employers and the academic community.
The lecturers of the ESP in the professional training courses are: “Pedagogical Practice” (Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Tetiana Derkach), “Pedagogical Excellence in Higher Education” (Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor Olha Vnukova), “Design and Ergonomics” (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kalyna Pashkevych), “General Theory of Shaping” (Doctor of Arts, Professor Tetiana Krotova). The proposals on the process of writing and preparing a thesis for defense were made by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Maryna Kolosnichenko.

Nataliia Ryshkevych, Viktoriia Vysotska (1st-year students), Valerii Bulatov (2nd-year student), and others made suggestions for improving the content of the courses.

The discussion was attended by from employers, the academic community, and alumni took part:
- Yulia Tretiak, Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Head of the Design Department at Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture;
- Maryna Yur, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Vice-Rector of Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Art and Design;
- Oksana Lahoda, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of the Department of Fabric and Clothing Design at Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts;
- and a graduate of the Design program:
- Ruslan Agliullin, a graduate of the Design study program, leading interior and furniture designer at Nenov Furniture, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Interior and Furniture Design at KNUTD.

Based on the results of the roundtable, the following proposals were developed:
- to strengthen the interaction between the supervisors of graduate student theses and the supervisors of practice from the University; to adjust the practice diaries in order to specify the participation of supervisors from the Department and the base of practice;
- to strengthen the orientation of graduates in the design market to study the demand and opportunities for interaction with the consumer - to adjust the content of the course “Design and Ergonomics” (Prof. Kalyna Pashkevych); to orient students to study the elective courses “Business Planning”, “Brand-oriented Management”, “International Business”, “International Business Development Strategies”, “Entrepreneurship: Development and Evaluation”, “Development of Integrated Business Structures in Entrepreneurship”;
- to adjust the content of the course “General Theory of Shaping” (Prof. Tetiana Krotova) in order to present the meaning and principles of style formation in the formative process of design.
We are sincerely grateful to all the participants of the meeting for their constructive suggestions and fruitful work!