Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On September 8, 2023, the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design hosted a guidance meeting on the pedagogical practice of applicants for the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, which was attended by second-year graduate students majoring in: 015 Vocational Education (by specialization), 022 Design, 051 Economics, 072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market, 073 Management, 075 Marketing, 076 Entrepreneurship and trade, 081 Law, 122 Computer science, 133 Industrial engineering, 141 Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics, 161 Chemical technology and engineering, 182 Light technology industry, 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy.

The pedagogical practice is carried out in accordance with the procedure determined by the Regulations on the organization and conduct of pedagogical practice of graduate students of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design.

Pedagogical practice in the higher education system is a component of professional training for scientific and pedagogical activities in a higher education institution and is a type of practical activity of graduate students, including teaching special disciplines, organizing students' educational and cognitive activities, scientific and methodological work in disciplines, developing skills and abilities of practical teaching.

Practical training of higher education applicants is a mandatory component of the educational process, which aims to master pedagogical technologies, innovative forms, methods and means of teaching in the conditions of a higher education institution, to realize the importance of scientific knowledge gained in the process of theoretical training, to develop the ability to solve practical problems, to develop creative initiative and motivation for pedagogical activity.

The content of the pedagogical practice of higher education students includes: attending practical (laboratory, seminar) classes and lectures of teachers of the department or University and their analysis; drawing up detailed plans and notes of practical (laboratory, seminar) classes, lectures and their conduct; organizing and conducting educational activities with students (in a group, at the faculty, in a dormitory).

The orientation meeting was held by the head of the pedagogical practice, Maria Bilyanska, Head of the Department of Professional Education in Technology and Design, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Maria Bilianska drew attention to the importance of practical training of the third (educational and scientific) level higher education students, in particular for consolidating theoretical knowledge obtained in the process of educational activities, improving communicative competence, and forming the skills to carry out educational, methodical and organizational-educational work. The head of practice familiarized those present with the purpose and tasks, the content of pedagogical practice, and the responsibilities of students in the process of its completion, as well as the criteria for evaluating the results of practical training.

Postgraduate students also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the methodological recommendations for completing the tasks of the practice, the requirements for drawing up an individual plan, keeping a diary and preparing reporting documentation.

The results of the pedagogical practice are the following:

knowledge of: the basics of the theory of pedagogy and teaching methods, psychological and pedagogical features of training higher education applicants; organizational structure of the university, types of educational and methodological documentation to support the educational process; ways to structure educational material, activate students' learning activities; methods of assessing the results of students' learning activities in higher education;

ability to: set a goal, choose the type, type of classes; use various forms of organization of students' learning activities (diagnostics, control and evaluation of the effectiveness of learning activities); independently design, implement, evaluate results and adjust the educational process; use modern teaching technologies and adapt them to rapidly changing conditions; communicate professionally and establish relationships with colleagues and students;

skills in applying modern tools and technologies for searching, processing and analyzing information; methods of self-organization and improvement of the teacher's activities as a person; culture of speech and communication;

the ability to demonstrate mastery of modern teaching technologies and the ability to organize the educational process, both in person and at a distance, in particular in conditions requiring changes and a rapid transition from online to offline learning; structuring and transforming scientific knowledge into educational material in the specialty; drawing up tasks, exercises, tests;

In the course of the pedagogical practice, graduate students gain experience in solving complex problems of organizing the educational process in their specialty, evaluating and ensuring the quality of the educational process.

The head of the internship answered questions that arose during the meeting and held individual consultations with the students.

