Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On September 12 and 13, 2023, Olena STEPANOVA, professor, doctor of cultural studies, head of the Center for Quality Management of Educational Activities, held a lecture on the topic "Academic integrity" for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the educational programs "Graphic Design", "Clothing Design", "Environmental design", "Multimedia design" and the second (master's) level of higher education of the educational and professional programs "Clothing design", "Environmental design" and "Design (by types)" of the departments of the Departments of Graphic Design, Multimedia Design, Interior and Furniture Design and the Department of Art and Costume Design Faculty of KNUTD.

Olena Anatoliivna told the students about the main legislative acts on which the "Code of academic integrity of KNUTD" is based, revealed the essence of such concepts as "academic integrity", "academic plagiarism", "self-plagiarism", "falsification", "fabrication" and others. The lecturer also explained what is considered a violation of academic integrity and what is the responsibility of participants in the educational process for academic dishonesty.

It was emphasized to the students that compliance with academic integrity by students of higher education at the University involves independent performance of assigned educational tasks, use of links to sources of information; compliance with copyright and intellectual property legislation.

The key to the development of our society is quality education, which includes intellectual, spiritual, creative, physical and cultural development of the individual. That is why the education of student youth in respect for individuality and human dignity, copyright, and intellectual property is an important component of successful reforms in Ukrainian society.

The lecture took place in a benevolent and friendly atmosphere, which aroused lively interest among the first-year bachelor and master students present at the event.

We express our sincere gratitude to Professor Olena STEPANOVA and the Center for Quality Management of Educational Activities of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design for organizing and holding this event!

