Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On September 20, 2023, the Department of Finance and Business Consulting organized a meeting of applicants studying in the educational programs "Finance, Banking and Insurance", "Digital Finance", "Financial and Investment Business Consulting", "Accounting and Taxation" and "International Accounting and Business Consulting" with a stakeholder - the head of the branch of the commercial bank FUIB Alisa Stepanyan.

The event was attended by the academic staff of the Department of Finance and Business Consulting, headed by the Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics Professor Iryna Tarasenko, who emphasized the need for cooperation between the department's staff and potential employers in the training of specialists in the field of finance, accounting and taxation and identified the main goal of cooperation - to assist higher education students in acquiring knowledge in the field of finance, banking, insurance, stock market, accounting and taxation at the proper level, forming professional skills, which will allow graduates to become competitive in the labor market and expand employment opportunities. The guarantors of educational and professional programs took an active part in organizing and holding the meeting with the stakeholder: Finance, Banking and Insurance - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Yulia Rusina and Digital Finance - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Dmytro Kovalenko. In his report, Dmytro Kovalenko outlined the peculiarities of the current stage of economic and financial development, noting the benefits of digitalization of the financial and economic sphere.

During the meeting, they discussed the list of educational components and program competencies, as well as areas for improving educational programs in the above-mentioned specialties.

In the course of communication with the students, Alisa Stepanyan, FUIB Commercial Bank Branch Manager, familiarized future specialists with the banking services market, various programs and products, and shared the latest innovations and opportunities offered by banking institutions today.

"Financial literacy is an integral part of a successful career and a secure future," said Alisa Stepanyan, FUIB branch manager.

The stakeholder expressed its readiness to facilitate the practical training of higher education students, provide them with opportunities for internships and pre-diploma internships in bank branches, as well as information for research.

At the end of the meeting, the students demonstrated a sincere interest in the topics discussed, which prompted numerous questions to the speakers.

The event was interesting and useful for both students and teachers, as well as for the stakeholder.
