Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



From the first days of study, students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education of the educational and professional program "Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products" in addition to professional training, participate in the study of the creative heritage of Ukrainian artists and get acquainted with modern works of art.

So, on September 12, 2023, the students of Group BSMHK-23 of the Department of Fashion and Style under the leadership of their curator Tetiana AVRAMENKO visited the exhibition project "Maria is painting. 100 unknown works of Prymachenko", which was presented by the Ukrainian House International Convention Center.

The students had a unique opportunity to see one hundred paintings by the legendary folk artist for the first time, as these works from the private collection of Kyiv art historian Eduard Dymshytsia have never been presented before.

In today’s difficult times, every Ukrainian acutely feels that Maria Prymachenko herself, herresilience in the face of the trials of fate, and now her paintings have become a symbol of Ukrainian in domitability.

For the students, the exhibition became a sourceofinspirationandideasfortheircreativeworksandshowedhowrelevantthelightofinspirationandstrengthis, and how important it is to have a connection with one’s cultural heritage of Ukraine right now.

AnothereventthatbroadenedtheartistichorizonsofyoungpeoplewasthevisitonSeptember 19 by the students of the EPP "Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products" (Groups BSHMK-23, BSHMK-22, BSHMK-21, BSHMK-20) and the EPP "Design and technologies of garments" (Groups BSMHK-22, BSMHK-21) together with the academic staff of the Department of Fashion and Style of the personal exhibition of the head of the Department of Digital Art Antonia Dubrovnik called "BARVY: ATMOSPHERE", in the exhibition center of KNUTD "Art Space".

Antonina Petrivna’s collection of 20 works, the central theme of which is harmony and light, was presented at the exhibition. In her pictorial compositions, the author in troduces new methods in the reproduction of natural forms, master fully balancing on the border between the real and the invisible. The combination of modern methods and graphic techniques  - water colors and pastels - give the paintings of the exhibition a special emotional power. The artistc are fully chooses a palette of colors that helps to express the features of each image. The works are full of light and color, which gives them life affirmation and optimism.

Visiting the exhibition was a real cultural and artistic event. Students and teachers had the opportunity to touch the magical atmosphere of color that permeates each painting, as well as to feel a part of this amazing artistic world.
