Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



This Friday, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design hosted the «Career Days» event with the support of the Kyiv Youth Center (KMCA), the Department of Youth and Sports of the city of Kyiv.

The event was inaugurated with welcoming remarks on behalf of the Rector, Academician Ivan Mykhailovych Hryshchenko, by Lyudmyla Mykhailivna Hanushchak-Yefimenko, the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities.

Five speakers from three fields of knowledge – marketing, IT, and design – participated in the «Career Days» event.

Roman Kurilenko, from «Soft Serve» company, shared insights into the IT industry and employment opportunities within the company.

The communication agency «VARTO» revealed secrets for creating a resume that guarantees job offers and discussed common mistakes in job searching with the participants. The speakers included Yelizaveta Aroyan, HR Manager of the agency, and Maria Bohatykova, Head of PR at the agency.

Creative Director of Brain Tank, Andriy Franchuk, shared life hacks to help students in their future careers in the creative industry and inspired them to continue their journey towards their goals in design and advertising.


Lubov Shynkarova, a Senior Brand Development Specialist at OKKO and a career consultant, shared stories of professional growth, from a junior role to a top manager within the company.

Representatives from the Rocketmen agency discussed the advantages and disadvantages of working in the creative industry and why it’s both interesting and unstable at the same time.

In addition to professional insights, the speakers conducted surveys for the students, and the most active participants received gifts.

The Primary Trade Union Organization of Students thanks the university administration for supporting student initiatives. They also extend their gratitude to the Kyiv Youth Center (KMCA), the Department of Youth and Sports of the city of Kyiv, leading domestic IT companies, marketing agencies, and partners for their openness and cooperation.
