Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On October 18, 2023, according to the order of the Rector of KNUTD No. 225-st dated September 20, 2023, the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Education for a sustainable future: ecological, technological, economic and socio-cultural issues" was held.

The Conference was held in order to form a positive impact of educational activities on the environment, assess possible negative consequences and implement measures to reduce or eliminate them for educational institutions, enterprises, governmental and non-governmental organizations, individual regions and society as a whole both now and in the future.

The organizers of the Conference were the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. The Conference was held with the assistance of the All-Ukrainian Environmental League.

The Conference was held in a hybrid format. Remote work of the Conference was provided on the ZOOM platform.

Viktoriia PLAVAN, head of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, moderated the conference.She opened the Conference and, congratulating everyone on the start of work, gave the floor to the rector of KNUTD, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical of Sciences of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Ivan GRYSCHENKO.

On behalf of the staff of Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor Iryna AZHAMAN, addressed the participants of the Conference.

Topics of the Conference:

  • Quality education is the key to sustainable development
  • Concept of climate neutrality and sustainable ecological development
  • Sustainable development of the economy and entrepreneurship
  • Technologies, industry and innovation
  • Energy security and alternative energy sources
  • Socio-cultural issues of sustainable development
  • Theory and practice of cooperation between education, science, business and public institutions in the context of sustainable development goals

The Conference was attended by scientists from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, the National Aviation University, the Chernobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, the State University of Trade and Economics, KPI named after Sikorskyi, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after MykhailoKotsiubynskyi, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, the Institute of Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Physical-Organic Chemistry and Carbon Chemistry named after L.M. Lytvynenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Problems of Materials Science named after I.M. Frantsevich National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, JSC «Farmak», Biosphere Corporation, Dow Europe GmbH Representation office in Ukraine.

Oleksandr OLEKSANDROV, director of the Dow Europe GmbH representative office in Ukraine, presented an interesting and meaningful report on the topic "Bioplastics in the circular economy", and Oleg LOZOVIY, director of the Polyrgeen enterprise of the Biosphere Corporation, shared his experience of implementing the principles of the circular economy using the example of polyethylene waste processing at the corporation's enterprises.

Viktoria MELNYCHUK-VOLODKINA, head of the department for information and educational work from Chernobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve, shared her experience of cooperation between educational and environmental institutions in the context of sustainable development goals.

As part of the Conference, an exhibition of students’creative works from the Faculty of Design on ecological topics was held. The head of the creative direction was associate professor of the Department of Graphic Design, Oksana MAZNICHENKO.

In his speech, the representative of the organization "Doctors Against Animal Experiments" (Germany), Dmytro LEPORSKY, noted the contribution of KNUTD to the humanization of education and presented a gift certificate for the purchase of computer equipment to Volodymyr BESSARABOV, professor of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy.

Teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students attended the Conferencefrom the following KNUTD departments:

  • Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving;
  • Industrial Pharmacy;
  • Biotechnology, Leather and Fur;
  • Graphic Design;
  • Management and Smart Innovations;
  • Finance and Business Consulting;
  • Private and Public Law;
  • Computer Engineering and Electromechanics;
  • Philosophy and Cultural Studies.

122 people took part in the Conference. 9 oral and 47 poster presentations were presented.

Based on the results of the Conference, the monograph “Education for a Sustainable Future: Environmental, Technological, Economic and Socio-Cultural Issues: A Collective Monograph / edited by V.P. Plavan, A.O. Kasych, O.O. Butenko - Kyiv: KNUTD, 2023, total volume 10” was prepared for publication.

The All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Education for a sustainable future: ecological, technological, economic and socio-cultural issues" was held at a high scientific, organizational and practical level, it was sufficiently informative and useful, which was repeatedly noted in the speeches of the participants and guests of the conference.

The participants of the Conference thanked its organizers for a rich and dynamic program, expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation between related universities. We expect that the next conference will be held in a peaceful Ukraine!

Opening of the Conference


Speech by the Rector of KNUTD, Professor Ivan GRYSCHENKO


Speech of the deputy director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Natalia HRUSCHINSKA


Volodymyr BESSARABOV received a gift certificate for the purchase of computer equipment from a representative of the international organization “Doctors Against Animal Experiments” (Germany)


Conference participants


Students of the Faculty of Design together with the Dean Kalyna PASHKEVICH at the exhibition of creative works on environmental topics, scientific director of the department Oksana MAZNICHENKO


Joint participation in the conference is a good opportunity to communicate with stakeholders from the Biosphere Corporation
