Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Congratulations to Nataliia Skliarenko, a PhD student of KNUTD, Professor of the Department of Architecture and Design of Lviv Polytechnic Institute, on being awarded the degree of Doctor of Arts in the specialty 022 Design!

Rector of KNUTD, Academician Ivan Gryshchenko is presenting a Doctorate in Art History to Natalia Skliarenko

The defense of the thesis "Design of a visual communication system: theoretical foundations and design concepts of sustainable development" took place at the specialized academic council D 26.102.07 of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on September 14, 2023. Scientific consultant - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Modeling and Artistic Decoration of Clothing of KNUTD Maryna Kolosnichenko. The official opponents were: Doctor of Arts, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Tetiana Kara-Vasylieva (M.Rylsky Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnology, Head of the Department of Fine and Decorative Arts); Doctor of Arts, Professor Oleh Chuyko (Vasyl Stefanyk Educational and Research Institute of Arts of the Precarpathian National University, Head of the Department of Design and Art Theory); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Olena Chepeliuk (Kherson National Technical University, Rector).

The thesis and abstract received positive feedback from the leading scholars and practitioners, in particular, O.V. Kashchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture; O.A. Tarasenko, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Fine Arts of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynskyi; Y. Borysov, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Union of Designers of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Department of Design of the Cherkasy State Technological University of Ukraine, etc.

Thesis defense on September 14, 2023


We wish Nataliia Skliarenko success and new scientific and creative achievements!
