Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated annually on November 10, a holiday established in 2001 by UNESCO.

World Science Day for Peace and Development provides an opportunity to affirm the human right to participate in and use science in the context of contemporary global challenges. The events of this day are aimed at popularizing science, the need for interaction between science and the public.

Today, the policy of Ukraine in the field of science is aimed at the introduction of innovations, the activation of science parks, and the development of research infrastructures.

Ukrainian science during the war, in addition to permanent tasks, serves the purpose of the fastest possible victory, arming the army with knowledge and intelligence to fight the enemy, and, ultimately, restoring the economy of our state.

Scientific technologies play a huge role in approaching victory, it is scientists who create strategic vectors of development, as well as produce ideas and formulate political, economic and military doctrines.

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in wartime directs its powerful scientific potential for the victory and development of our state. The University has a number of unique scientific schools that carry out scientific and innovative activities and are recognized in Ukraine and abroad, which contribute to the development of Ukrainian and world science.

Scientific and innovative activity during the war was aimed at the development and use of scientific and technical and scientific and artistic potential, the preservation of scientific personnel potential, the involvement of academic staff in cooperation with specialized defense enterprises, the educational and investment cluster of light industry, business associations and other participants ecosystem by conducting joint research, commercialization of their results and technology transfer, training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel to improve the quality and effectiveness of the results of scientific research of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design for the recovery and development of the economy of Ukraine.

Scientific developments of KNUTD for the needs of military personnel were awarded the National Prize of Ukraine named after Boris Paton for the work "Technologies for protection systems of military personnel: functional materials, composites and coatings", recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the platform for effective interaction of representatives of business and the scientific community "Science and Business ".

The global goal of the scientific and innovative policy of the University is the development and use of scientific and technical potential, the introduction of modern ecologically clean and safe, resource-saving techniques and technologies, the creation and implementation of new types of competitive science-intensive products, which will make it possible to ensure an increase in the quality and efficiency of the results of scientific research and a significant growth of their financing

University researchers are productively implementing active international scientific projects

Creating conditions for the education of the new Ukrainian intellectual elite, the University forms its own innovation support system, providing higher education students with knowledge, networking, infrastructure for starting startups and self-realization of young scientists in the name of peace and development.


We congratulate the scientific community and wish them research effort, creative ideas, and realization of achievements!

Let's work together for Victory!
