Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Lecture of cyber police officers "Cyber security and anti-fraud"

On November 8, 2023, at the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design,  was held a lecture on cyber security and anti-fraud by the inspectors of the cybercrime countermeasures department for the student community.


Cyber security is an urgent topic in today's world, as the number of cyber threats, incidents and disinformation resources increases. All aspects of the lecture emphasize the importance of the topic of cyber security in today's world, where technology plays a crucial role in many areas of life. Compliance with cyber hygiene has become a task that is extremely relevant and necessary now for all spheres of society.


The lecturers defined terms such as threats, vulnerabilities, risks, attacks and other concepts related to cyber security. Students were able to learn a lot of important information, such as the concept of cybercrime, means of protection against cyberattacks, threats to information security, means of detecting violations in the storage and use of personal data. Informed students about cyber hygiene, including network security rules, secure means of communication, personal data protection, caution when downloading files, etc. In addition, it was emphasized the importance of cleaning the information space from hostile disinformation, propaganda activities and centers of its dissemination.


The lecture stimulated students' interest in cyber security and helped them better understand the importance of preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in the digital world. Cybersecurity is an important part of modern education, and such lectures can help students become more aware and aware professionally.

At the end, issues of interest to the students and aspects of possible cooperation with the cybercrime countermeasures department in Kyiv were discussed.
