Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



November 3, 2023 happened summary of the results of the II All-Ukrainian student competition for the development of web pages "WEB - TECHNOLOGY", which was held by the Department of Computer Sciences of the Faculty of MCT.

The purpose of the competition was to realize the creative potential of students in the IT industry and to create conditions for strengthening and developing ties between creative youth of different faculties and specialties of KNUTD, colleges and other higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Students of the faculties of mechatronics and computer technologies, art and fashion, educational and scientific institute of engineering and information technologies of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, as well as a student from Zhytomyr Polytechnic University took part in the competition.

The competition was held in two stages: qualifying and final.

In the first, selection stage of the competition, 27 works were presented for consideration by the jury. All works were evaluated according to the following criteria: content, visual appeal and creativity, originality of applied IT technologies.

Until the second, final stage of the competition, were selected 10 works, among which it was decided to award one first place, two second places and three third places.

The determination of the winners of the competition was carried out by a professional and competent jury which included scientific and pedagogical workers of KNUTD and leading experts in the field of web technology and web design.

Jury work



1. SURIKAT  site




2. IT company SOFTSERVE  site




All contest participants received certificates of participation in the contest, winners received diplomas and gifts from sponsors. Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities prof. Lyudmila GANUSHCHAK-YEFIMENKO, the dean of the Faculty of ICT Volodymyr PAVLENKO and the director of the contest Tetiana ASTISTOVA together with representatives of the sponsors presented certificates and gifts to the winning students.


The winners of the competition were:


FIRST PLACE received by a student Yuliya Menets from Zhytomyr Polytechnic University for the website "Wedding bouquets". The diploma and gifts were sent by Nova Poshta.


SECOND PLACE shared by students of the ICT faculty: Valentyn Lapa MgIT-23 - "Cafe""; Andriy Svyatenko BITsk-22 and Volodymyr Hromadskyi - "Watches"

Certificate presentation and congratulations student Volodymyr Hromadskyi from (left-right) competition director Tetyana ASTISTOVA,
vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities, prof. Ludmila HANUSHCHAK-YEFIMENKO and the dean of the Faculty of ICT Volodymyr PAVLENKO


Presentation of a gift by a representative of the campaign – sponsor and SOFTSERVE


Presentation of a gift by representatives of the sponsoring company SURIKAT


THIRD PLACE received: students of the Faculty of ICT: Vladyslav Yukhnovsky BITsk-22; Roman Barabash BITsk-22 and Volodymyr Ustrymenko BIT 3-21.

First-year student of BIT-1-23 group Anastasia Babich received the incentive prize.

Delivery a certificate and a prize from the sponsors of the contest-campaign SURIKAT


Presentation of certificate to Anastasia Babych and congratulations from vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities Prof.
Lyudmyla GANUSHCHAK-YEFIMENKO and dean of the faculty of ICT Volodymyr PAVLENKO


Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities, prof. Lyudmila HANUSHCHAK-YEFIMENKO, Volodymyr PAVLENKO, dean of the Faculty of ICT, and the winners of the competition


Contest participants, jury members and company representatives SOFTSERVE


Contest participants, jury members and company representatives SURIKAT 


The organizing committee is sincerely grateful to all students who participated in the competition.

We look forward to meeting you in 2024.

Peaceful sky and victory to Ukraine!
