Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Extended meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Management and Business Design on the implementation of performance targets in 2023 and tasks for 2024

On 1 December 2023, an extended meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Management and Business Design (FMBD) of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design was held with the invitation of all the Faculty members. The agenda of the meeting included issues related to summing up the work of the departments and the Faculty as a whole in 2023, in particular in terms of the implementation of the defined performance targets of their activities by the departments’ teams, analysis and determination of the main vectors of the Faculty’s work for 2024.

The extended meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Academic Council of the Faculty, Dean, Doctor of Economics, Professor Oleksandra Olshanska, who congratulated the participants on the start of the work and in her speech informed that the Faculty as a whole had met the performance targets set for 2023, in many respects it was possible to state overfulfilment, but the contribution of each department is an important issue and requires separate consideration and analysis in order to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the departments, as well as collective discussion of strategic vectors

At the extended meeting of the Academic Council of the FMBD, according to the agenda, each head of the department made a report and presented the achievement of the department's performance targets, as well as information on the main achievements of their teams and an analysis of the challenges facing the departments in 2023.

In particular, as a result of the presentations and discussion of the results of the departments' work, the outstanding achievements of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Taliat Belialov, were highlighted in terms of the publication activity of teachers in publications included in international scientometric databases, as well as the preparation and implementation of international research grant projects, for which the Department tops the Faculty’s ranking.

The Department of Management and Smart Innovations, headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Alla Kasych, has become a leader in increasing the share of courses taught in English by introducing foreign language training for students, as well as in the number of applications for ERASMUS+ KA2 projects submitted in 2023.

In 2023, the Department of Smart Economics, headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Anna Oleshko, won the Jean Monnet ERASMUS+ project competition, and also showed good results in terms of the share of full-time academic staff who participated in international academic mobility programmes, in particular in ERASMUS+ projects for academic mobility of teachers to universities in Croatia, Italy, and Latvia.

The Department of Marketing and Communication Design, headed by Olena Yevseitseva, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, is an undisputed leader in the preparation and implementation of international educational projects, in particular ERASMUS+ KA 171 projects - as of 2023, eight partnership agreements on academic mobility of students and teachers with leading European universities have been signed, and teachers have participated in the ongoing ERASMUS+ KA2 and Jean Monnet projects. Another positive development in the Department's research activities was a significant increase in the publication activity of its teachers, in particular in publications included in international scientometric databases.

In the reporting year, the Department of Finance and Business Consulting, headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Iryna Tarasenko, showed significant results in the publication activity of teachers in journals included in international scientometric databases, in the indicators of academic mobility of teachers and students, and in the number of submitted and implemented international educational projects.


In general, the Faculty members at the extended meeting of the Academic Council positively assessed the results of their activities, in particular, the achievement of the targets in 2023. In their speeches, the heads of departments and academic staff analysed the potential capabilities of each department to meet the targets in 2024. Among the main areas for improving their work and the Faculty as a whole was the need to intensify the activities of the Faculty's research and teaching staff in submitting and implementing international research and educational grant projects, searching for foreign partners and concluding cooperation agreements with leading European universities in order to implement joint projects and increase the international academic mobility of students and teachers. Among other strategically important tasks, the following were identified:

- Increasing the publication activity of teachers, in particular in publications included in international scientometric databases by at least 5 publications from the 2023 figure at each department;

- increase the share of courses ready for teaching in English;

- improving the material base of the Faculty, in particular, equipping classrooms assigned to the departments of the Faculty with modern multimedia and computer equipment, including at the expense of grant funds.

In general, the extended meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Management and Business Design was held in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. We are grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to work and carry out educational and scientific activities. Let's keep the educational front and move together to our Victory!
