Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Congratulations to the scholarship recipients of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine!

Having considered the submission of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for obtaining scholarships of the President of Ukraine for young scientists and the submission of the boards of ministries and presidiums of the National Academies of Sciences of Ukraine for obtaining scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists, the Presidium of the Committee decided to appoint 21 scholarships and continue the payment of 299 scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.

Among the scholarship recipients are 3 representatives of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, whose scholarship payment was extended based on the results of the report, namely:

  • Dr. e. n., prof. Liudmyla Hanushchak-Efimenko, professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Laureate of the Boris Paton National Prize of Ukraine;
  • Dr. e. n., prof. Mariana Shkoda, professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business;
  • Dr. art history, prof. Olena Kolochnichenko, professor of the Department of Art and Costume Design.


Congratulations to the young scientists!
