Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On December 7 and 8, within the framework of the international project of the INTREPID-HEI Consortium: "Development of international potential in innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship with an emphasis on joint experience in higher education institutions" ( ), higher education graduates of the Kyiv National of the University of Technologies and Design became participants in the INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MODEL COMPETITON.

6 international teams participated in the competition, which included students of higher education from Universitatea “Ovidius” din Constanța (Romania), Iceberg Data Intelligence (Romania), Taras Shevchenko National University and graduates of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, in particular, Mariia KRAVCHUK (graduate of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education of the Department of Fashion Technology), Kateryna VOLOSHKO (graduate of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business), Roman MOVA (graduate of the second (master's) level of higher education at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business), Angelina MASIUK (graduate of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education at the Department of Fashion Technology).

The competition was aimed at teamwork, which involved collective solving of tasks and development of a Startup project, while using the strengths of each team member. After that, each team had to prepare a presentation and within 10 minutes manage to demonstrate their conclusions, proposals and cyclical concepts. The performances of the jury, which included representatives from participating universities of the INTREPID-HEI Consortium, were evaluated.

The team members were encouraged to use real data and case studies, and the importance of taking into account both economic and environmental aspects in creating a business model for the Startup project was emphasized.

As a result of the jury's vote, the first place was won by team 5, which included a graduate student of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Mariia KRAVCHUK with the Startup project "Processing of aluminum

bottles into organizers" (Processing of aluminum cans into organizers).

We sincerely congratulate Mariia KRAVCHUK and her scientific supervisor Liudmyla GALAVSKA on winning the competition and wish them the implementation of interesting, creative ideas and new achievements ahead!

Our victories are for our Ukraine!
