Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


SOFTORG Company’s course for apparel production operators in KNUTD

From December 4 to 8, 2023, with the support of the University Rector Ivan Gryshchenko, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between KNUTD and SOFTORG Company (Kyiv), a special course for apparel production operators was held on the basis of the University https://school. Such cooperation with SOFTORG Company was the next step after KNUTD’s participation in the Consumer Industry Business Forum «Lehka Konfa», which took place on December 1-2, 2023 in Lviv.

SOFTORG Company has been a leading distributor of professional sewing equipment in Ukraine since 1999. The global mission of SOFTORG Company is defined as the development and technological optimization of the light industry in Ukraine. The main types of activities are the realization of sewing and cutting equipment, moist heat treatment lines, components; for the repair of any sewing equipment, engines, digital printers, electronics; providing comprehensive expertise for enterprises – from audit and strategy development to start-up and maintenance of equipment; training of apparel production operators.


Classes of the special course for apparel production operators were held in a specially equipped training laboratory of the University. Various types of sewing machines were delivered to KNUTD for practical training. Over the course of a week, under the guidance of an experienced specialist, the company’s chief mechanic, Ihor Shreider, a group of 10 people studied the design and principle of operation of basic sewing machines, the peculiarities of forming stitches of various types, the basic settings of the equipment, their repair and maintenance, the selection of means of small mechanization, etc.


During the training, the participants of the course, which consisted of theoretical and practical parts, mastered the operation of basic sewing equipment: straight-stitch machines with a shuttle stitch, sewing overlaying and basting machines. The highlight of the course was the practice-oriented component, which allowed each participant to gain practical skills in setting up and servicing various types of equipment at a specialist level.


Within the scope of the special training course, employees of the Department of Fashion Technology underwent internships: Accociate Professor of the Department Oksana Vodzinska, PhD in Technical Sciences; Victoriia Kernesh, Associate Professor of the Department, PhD in Technical Sciences; the Department laboratory assistant Raisa Vatan. 


All the participants received certificates as confirmation of acquired knowledge and practical skills in the maintenance of sewing equipment.

We express our sincere gratitude to SOFTORG Company and personally to its marketing director Ivan Skorokhodov for the given opportunity. Special thanks to Ihor Shreider, chief mechanic of SOFTORG Company for maximum informativeness during classes, an individual approach to everyone, and a friendly atmosphere in the team.
