Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On December 13, 2023, a meeting of the Faculty of Design was held. On behalf of the Rector of the University, Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor, Academician Ivan Gryshchenko, the staff meeting of the Faculty of Design was started by Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Liudmyla Hanushchak-Yefimenko.

The event was attended by delegates representing the structural units of the Faculty: scientific and pedagogical staff, teaching staff, representatives of the Faculty students, employees of the Dean’s office, and laboratory staff of the departments. Liudmyla Hanushchak-Yefimenko, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of KNUTD, was unanimously elected as the chairman of the event, and Olena Herasymenko, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Design, as secretary.

The Dean of the Faculty of Design, Kalyna Pashkevych, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, proposed the development program of the Faculty, developed under the Development Strategy of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in the conditions of martial law and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine for 2024-2028. The basis of the program was a quote from the Strategy of KNUTD “Despite the difficult situation in Ukraine, the main task of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design is to continue implementing a high-quality educational process. We must not only preserve the achievements of the previous 93 years, but also provide conditions for the sustainable development of the University in accordance with new challenges. After all, current students will participate in the development of post-war Ukraine as a full member of the European Union”.

Emphasizing the significant achievements of the Faculty of Design team over more than 20 years of its development, the global recognition of the Faculty of Design as a powerful art and science school and a participant in many world rankings, whose graduates are well-known personalities, professionals not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, Kalyna Pashkevych outlined strategic directions for further development.

The main directions and goals of the Faculty’s development were system review, monitoring of educational programs for compliance of the content with the needs and requirements of the modern labor market, in particular, the development of the areas of eco-design, environmental design, etc. in the conditions of the post-war recovery of Ukraine; successful accreditation of educational programs; improving the quality of electronic educational and methodological complexes of disciplines in the modular environment of the educational process; activation of academic mobility of students, academic staff of the Faculty; expansion of partnerships regarding the practice of students and the internship of teachers at enterprises to get acquainted with modern trends in real production; provision of favorable conditions for the formation of patriotic, cultural, communication, energy-saving, aesthetic and other competencies among students, etc.

Daria Karpenko, Head of the Faculty’s Student Self-Government, Deborah Remiga, Anna Turchenyuk, Olegoslav Serbin, Myroslava Siminko and others took part in the discussion of the Faculty’s program.

Heads of the Faculty’s departments Yevhen Gula, Professor (Department of Graphic Design), Natalya Chuprina, Doctor of Art History, Professor (Department of Multimedia Design), Danylo Kosenko, PhD (Department of Interior and Furniture Design) and members of the Faculty expressed their opinions and supported all the theses of the Faculty’s development program.

According to the results of the staff meeting of the Faculty of Design, the development program was unanimously approved and the candidacy of Kalyna Pashkevych, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, for the post of Dean of the Faculty of Design was unanimously supported.

The staff members congratulated each other on the upcoming New Year in a friendly atmosphere and the main wish was peace in Ukraine and words of gratitude to our soldiers for the opportunity to work and teach students, to train specialists for the development and restoration of our country.

At the end of the meeting, Liudmyla Hanushchak-Yefimenko thanked the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who courageously defend the independence and freedom of our people, for protecting the independence of the state and wished the Faculty new creative plans, projects, harmony and inspiration, as well as Victory!

Sincere words of congratulations were expressed by Vadym Abyzov, Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Yevhen Gula, Professor, Mykhailo Rudenko, Professor, Olena Kolosnichenko, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Tetiana Krotova, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Tetiana Bulhakova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Oleksandra Kolisnyk, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Oksana Maznichenko, Associate Professor, Anatoly Shapoval, Professor, Svitlana Ostapyk, assistant, and others.

A close-knit team of scientists and artists of the Faculty of Design: students, researchers and teachers always feel the support of the Rector of the University Ivan Gryshchenko in the development of design and art education, which inspires new achievements in the scientific and educational field. We wish the staff of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design a peaceful, prosperous, joyful and happy year for everyone! Happy New Year 2024!
