Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On December 21, 2023, an online discussion panel was held at the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design with the Turkish partners of the Ondokuz Mayis University within the framework of the joint research project "Marketing development of the university's eco-territory for the recreation of Post-Covid persons".

Turkish partners took part in the discussion panel:

project coordinator Ali KAHRAMANOGLU, associate professor, head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ondokuz Mayis University;

WP coordinator Kurshat DAMIRYUREK, professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Faculty of Ondokuz Maiis University;

WP coordinator Suleyman YAMAN, professor of the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences of Ondokuz Mayis University;

Belgin Bal ICHEBACHAK, employee of the pedagogical faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University;

Nur Ilkay ABASI, PhD, researcher at the Department of Agrarian Policy and Extension at the Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Ondokuz Mayis University.

Among the Ukrainian partners present at the event were:

scientific leader of the project Liudmyla GANUSHCHAK-YEFIMENKO, Doctor of Economics, professor, Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design;

project coordinator Mariana SHKODA, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design;

WP coordinator Taliat BIELIALOV, Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design;

WP coordinator Yurii DANKO, Doctor of Economics, professor, Vice-rector for scientific and international activities of the Sumy National Agrarian University.

During the panel discussion, the results of the successful implementation of the first stage of the project were discussed, the goals of which were:

  • study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and functioning of the REHUB COVID recreation platform for people with post-covid syndrome;
  • analysis of the evolution of scientific views on the genesis and socio-economic essence of the corporate health marketing program and the possibility of its formation, implementation and development based on the REHUB COVID platform as a subject and object of research;
  • determination of the institutional grounds for the formation and functioning of the REHUB COVID platform and justification of the expediency of its creation.

Its coordinator Ali KAHRAMAGLOU, associate professor, head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ondokuz Mayis University, reported on the work of the Turkish partners of the project, in particular, the results of a survey conducted among scientific and pedagogical staff and students of higher education at Ondokuz Mayis University regarding teaching and learning during the COVID-19 period were presented. which helped to get a general idea of the physiological and psychological state of students and teachers during the pandemic.

The results of the first year of the research by the Ukrainian partners were highlighted in the report of the scientific director of the project, Doctor of Economics, Professor Liudmyla GANUSHCHAK-YEFIMENKO. Emphasizing the importance of studying world experience and the need to find theoretical and practical approaches to the formation of a marketing program for the corporate health of university employees and students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of the participants of the Ukrainian side was presented, in particular, the scientific work in the direction of the project: a list of published articles in journals , which are indexed in the scientometric databases WoS and Scopus, as well as in scientific professional journals of Ukraine belonging to category "B".

As a result, the participants of the discussion panel discussed the tasks of the next stage of the research project and agreed on the date of the round table on the basis of the Turkish partner university.

We are sincerely grateful to the Turkish side for the fruitful partnership and comprehensive support!
