Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



The first event held by the Department of Marketing and Communication Design together with Mingachevir State University was held from November 06 to November 30, 2023. Students of the PhD educational and scientific level Galstian M., Potekhina M., Olshanska Y., Nikolayev N., Tolchinin-Burunsky E., Gorodetsky Y., Shkoda D., Oleynik O., Kolesnik B., Golovachev I., Kaznodiy V., Migalatiy O., Marcinovsky V., and the bachelor’s educational level Peikova A., Tetervak D., Samoilenko K., Markitan M., Prokopenko V., Kurinnyi A., Havruk A. completed an international academic mobility program in the course "Management" in the amount of 60 hours (2 credits). The event was held in the form of interactive lectures in English, individual tasks performed by the students under the guidance of teachers of Mingachevir State University. This program combines the best practices of world business education and the experience of international companies for young people who want to build a career in management and marketing and implement extraordinary projects. Upon completion of the program, the students received certificates. The event was held within the framework of the VEHUB4YOU grant project “the International Network of Virtual Youth Business Hubs”.

The second joint event was held on December 08-09, 2023. The academic staff and students majoring in 075 Marketing took an active part in the Second International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Development Strategy: Global Trends, National Experiences and New Goals”. The conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, and was organized by Mingachevir State University (Azerbaijan) in cooperation with Gazi University (Turkey), Haci Bayram Veli University in Ankara (Turkey), Kayseri University (Turkey), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (Ukraine) and Kyrgyz Economic University (Kyrgyz Republic). The conference was supported by the Mingachevir City Administration and the Research Center for Sustainable Development and Regional Innovation.

The purpose of the conference is presentation of the main research results and scientific discussions on such topics as global trends in sustainable economic development, environmental sustainability, national and international experience of quality education, social welfare, etc.

PhD students O. Migalatii, I. Holovachov, and V. Kaznozii (supervised by Doctor of Economics, Professor O. Cherniavska) joined the discussion of current issues. They also presented the results of their scientific research and noted the importance of holding such events to exchange ideas, formulate new proposals, and test research results.

And finally, the third joint event was held at the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Republic of Latvia, Riga city). Under the program of international academic mobility from 08.12.2023 to 18.12.2023 to participate and fulfill the conditions of the international grant project of the European Union "Erasmus +" (Grant Agreement № 101083856 - VEHUB4YOU - ERASMUS-EDU-2021-VIRTEXCH-NDICI) on the basis of the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences met the academic staff of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, PhD S. V. Bebko - guarantor of the educational and scientific level of Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 075 Marketing, “Marketing” educational and scientific program, and members of the support group, Doctor of Economics, Professor Cherniavska O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Yevseitseva O.S., together with the academic staff of Mingachevir State University (Azerbaijan Republic), University of Foggia (Italy) and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia). The working meeting of the VEHUB4YOU project participants at the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences in Latvia was extremely intense, constructive, and fruitful. The results were the coordination and detailed discussion of training courses from the participating universities, forms and methods of teaching with the mandatory implementation of innovative approaches and practices.

We are very grateful to our international partners for their cooperation!
