Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



The Kyiv Institute at Qilu University of Technology is a unique international project that was the first to set a general trend in the export of high-quality Ukrainian education. Founded in 2018 and opening its doors to students in 2019, the Kyiv Institute is the result of fruitful joint work of experts in education, international relations, and professional managers from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and Qilu University of Technology (Jinan, People’s Republic of China).

The official opening of the joint educational institution was initiated by the Rector of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Academician Ivan Gryshchenko, who is distinguished by his visionary views that give impetus to the development of not only KNUTD but also the entire educational community.

Photo 1. Rector of KNUTD Ivan Gryshchenko with the management of the Kyiv Institute at Qilu University of Technology

Photo 2. Office of the Kyiv Institute at Qilu University of Technology Photo 3. KNUTD teachers at a meeting with the Chinese administration of the Kyiv Institute

Over the five years of its existence, the Kyiv Institute has been making steady progress. Having started its first academic year in 2019 with 234 students enrolled in three bachelor’s programs, in 2023 the total number of students at all levels exceeded 1200 in five educational programs at different levels.

Photo 4. First-year students in 2023, specialty 161 Chemical Technology and Engineering

Photo 5. Defense of qualifying works by bachelors of the specialty 022 Design Photo 6. Laboratory classes in inorganic chemistry

This demand for high-quality Ukrainian education in line with European standards is not accidental. Getting a higher education in China means a social lift that can provide the best employment prospects and a person’s vertical ascent to a higher social status. Engineering specialties are especially relevant, as they supply personnel for the most important industries for the country’s development, such as chemical industry, production of various synthetic materials, leather and fur.

The facilities of the Kyiv Institute allow students to receive education in conditions that are as close as possible to real production. Training laboratories are equipped with modern and high-quality equipment for practicing all stages of technological processes.

Photo 7. Professor Tetiana Derkach with post-graduate student Sun Jieyuan in the pharmaceutical research laboratory Photo 8. Results of students’ practical work Photo 9. Equipment for liquid leather treatment
Photo 10. Equipment for leather treatment under pressure Photo 11. Equipment for leather finishing Photo 12. Staking machine

Training in English and modern material and technical facilities give graduates of the Kyiv Institute a significant priority over others in the labor market.

The development of the project increases the potential of KNUTD teachers through the opportunity to use the latest and expensive research equipment to prepare qualification papers with students and conduct their own research.

Photo 13. Analytical transmission electron microscope JEOL with a voltage of 200 kV Photo 14. INSTRON mechanical testing equipment for different temperatures Photo 15. Master students in the research laboratory

The joint efforts of two modern technological higher education institutions create a powerful platform for training highly qualified personnel. This cooperation leads to synergy in the development of human resources, scientific and educational potential of both universities and both countries.

We wish this project further development and only positive feedback from parents and students. Let the Kyiv Institute develop and prosper in all directions!
