Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Since 2010, a traditional event for the University at the beginning of the new year is participation in Ukraine's largest industry exhibition of light industry, the International Fashion Festival "Kyiv Fashion" - the main anticipated event that unites industry specialists and provides an opportunity to analyze the development of light industry at the national level and international levels.


The international fashion festival "Kyiv Fashion" has become a powerful platform for demonstrating the achievements of the University's scientific, technical, artistic and creative potential, attracting business, establishing new partnerships and monitoring the needs of the modern market, trends and directions of industry development.

For more than 93 years, our university has been training highly qualified specialists for light industry, namely: designers, fashion designers, constructors, technologists of the fashion industry, engineers, chemists, economists, businessmen, lawyers, as well as specialists for other branches of the Ukrainian economy.

The university has high professional and educational recognition, confirming its competitiveness with positions in national and international rankings. Since the beginning of the war, without stopping for a single day, the scientific and teaching team continues to work and fulfill its main task - the education of conscious, responsible patriotic youth and the training of highly qualified specialists, forming the export of educational services. This testifies to the ability of the university ecosystem to create innovative knowledge and innovations and to compete in the global market of educational services even under martial law.

Every year at this exhibition, together with partners of the educational and investment cluster of light industry, the university presents its scientific and creative achievements in the exhibition at the stands, showing clothing models and their collections on catwalks, in the catalog and on the exhibition website, in the performances of student artists teams, at other events, etc.


It was within the framework of the international fashion festival Kyiv Fashion that the University managed to implement a number of powerful projects in the field of fashion industry and give a start to well-known fashion designers in Ukraine.

In particular, since 2017, the university has become a platform for the finals of the All-Ukrainian competition of young designers of one image "Constellation Chestnut" and the awarding of prize-winning authors at the exhibition. Acted as a co-organizer and participant of the school uniform contest "School Country - Ukraine", initiated a discussion forum: "Fashion industry and retail in the promotion of "Made in Ukraine" in Ukraine" and others.

The university stand was traditionally opened by the Rector of the Academician National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan GRYSHCHENKO, and the main partners: the head of the Ukrlegprom Association Tetyana IZOVIT, the founder and owner of TM "GOLDA", the vice-president of the Confederation of Designers and Stylists of Ukraine, the head of the public union "National Industry Partnership in the Light Industry of Ukraine "Fashion Globus Ukraine Golda VINOGRADSKA, head of RADA LLC, deputy head of the educational and investment cluster of light industry in Kyiv, Laureate of the Boris Paton National Prize of Ukraine Andriy PROKHOROVSKY, head of DANA-MODA LLC Laureate of the Boris National Prize of Ukraine Patona Lyudmila IVANOVA.

We sincerely thank our permanent partners, heads of leading enterprises, the light industry cluster, for the opportunity to exchange ideas and share innovative developments in the field of fashion industry, primarily aimed at the defense capability and rear support of the military, in a difficult wartime for our country.

We strive to continue to be flagships in the training of specialists in the field of fashion industry in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine!
