Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On January 31, 2024, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design hosted a solemn event – awarding diplomas to graduates. 502 students received master’s degrees, including 90 who demonstrated excellent knowledge and special achievements in their studies.

The ceremony was opened by Ivan Gryshchenko, Rector of KNUTD, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Ivan Mykhailovych emphasised the extremely important role of highly qualified specialists for the state economy, especially for the post-war development of Ukraine.

Congratulating the graduates on the successful completion of this stage of their educational journey, the rector stressed that the desire to study at KNUTD, in Ukraine, to pursue the goal in difficult wartime conditions for this year’s graduates, became a solid motivation for successful professional development. Each student of KNUTD receives a high-quality educational foundation that enables them to develop to the highest professional levels and to take a decisive stand in the development of the country in the post-war period.

Diplomas of the capital’s national university, as the leading university in the fashion and design industry, are awarded at KNUTD according to the European tradition in solemn university clothes – gowns and confederate jackets. Graduates, and yesterday’s students, wear this ceremonial attire on the day of graduation. This long-standing European tradition makes the ceremony especially solemn, and the students themselves look serious and proud of their newly acquired titles.


The University’s assembly hall gathered graduates, teachers-mentors, parents and all those who contributed their work and sensitive hearts to the formation of highly qualified specialists – graduates of KNUTD.

The graduates were greeted with artistic performances by students: a delicate dance by ballerina Maria Dolich and a song by Anita Asztatryan, a student of the Faculty of Management and Business Design, “Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow”, which unites Ukrainians and became known worldwide during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

On behalf of the students, Anita Asztatryan, a student of the Faculty of Management and Business Design, and Zhigad Zhlali, a student of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Computer Technologies, addressed the University’s faculty and employees with words of gratitude for the knowledge, skills and abilities they had acquired.

The joint photo of the master graduates of 2024, members of the University administration and the teaching staff of KNUTD will remain a good memory of the happiest student years for higher education students, and for the teaching staff it will preserve the warmest smiles of their students and the light sadness of this solemn and significant moment.

KNUTD staff sincerely congratulates the master graduates of 2024! We are grateful for the trust and hope that the graduates of the KNUTD family will traditionally carry a good memory of their alma mater throughout their lives, and we believe that success in obtaining higher education will become a springboard for self-realisation for the benefit and prosperity of Ukraine.


Together, we are invincible!
