Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On February 21, 2024, the rector of KNUTD, doctor of economic sciences, professor Ivan Gryshchenko, solemnly opened the updated educational and scientific laboratory "New materials and processes in electrochemical energy", scientific director, doctor of technical sciences. associate professor of the Department of chemical technology and resource saving Volodymyr Khomenko.

The university constantly takes care of the modernization and renewal of educational and scientific laboratories, because the renewal of the material and technical base is one of the priority directions for the training of highly qualified specialists and the implementation of scientific research.

With the support of the rectorate, an overhaul of the educational and scientific laboratory "New Materials and Processes in Electrochemical Energy" was carried out, and in the course of scientific research, equipment worth fifteen million hryvnias was purchased, which is effectively used in the implementation of current international grant agreements, regarding the development of active and auxiliary materials and electrolytes for electrochemical energy (accumulators, supercapacitors, fuel cells, etc.); creation of special coatings and screens to protect people and electronic equipment from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Volodymyr Khomenko is a well-known domestic and international researcher, under whose leadership a number of grant agreements are implemented at the university, namely: NATO program G 5772 "Science for peace and security": project "Portable charger for soldiers"; of the partnership agreement P645B with UNTSC for the implementation of the project "American Energy Technology Company AETS, Chicago, USA", of the "Horizon Europe" program: project 101103752 -GR4FITE "Sustainable supply of graphite for anodes of lithium-ion batteries thanks to the sustainable development of the European supply chain."

Updating the laboratory, equipping it with new, unique scientific equipment at the expense of grant projects, will open up new opportunities for scientific cooperation between Ukrainian and European scientists, and contribute to the development of scientific and technological capabilities of both universities and industry as a whole. The purchase of the latest equipment has a positive effect on the quality of the provision of educational services, the rating of specialties, the performance of research work and attracts the attention of stakeholders for future cooperation.

We hold the educational and scientific front together!

The university constantly takes care of the modernization and renewal of educational and scientific laboratories, because the renewal of the material and technical base is one of the priority directions for the training of highly qualified specialists and the implementation of scientific research
