Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Art is an invisible bridge that connects two opposite worlds: the world of fantasy and reality. Often, secret desires, subconscious feelings and emotions are easier to express in art than in words. The main goal of art therapy is to harmonize the personality through the development of self-expression and self-knowledge.

On February 28, 2024, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design hosted an interdepartmental workshop “Art Therapy as a Means of Creative Self-Realization” organized by the Department of Professional Education in Technologies and Design and the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies. The seminar was attended by students of the first (bachelor’s) level of the educational programs “Psychology” and “Visual Arts and Cultural Project Management”. The purpose of the workshop was to familiarize them with the possibilities of art therapy, develop skills of a positive attitude towards themselves and others through art, and bring them to an awareness of their inner essence, uniqueness, and originality.

The event was moderated by Rimma Kyrychenko, PhD in Psychology, Head of the Center for Psychological Support of KNUTD.

As part of the interdepartmental workshop, reports were presented, in particular, Daryna Cherniak, PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, discussed the impact of music on the psycho-emotional state and mental health of the individual, as well as the role and prospects of using music therapy in modern medicine, psychological and pedagogical practice. In particular, the attention of students was focused on the fact that music is defined by modern scientists as one of the means of emotional regulation of human mental activity, improvement of emotional intelligence, disclosure of creative potential, establishment of social relations and social cohesion.

The event was continued by the first-year bachelor students of the educational program Psychology Aliona Kovaleva and Angelina Chumak. The students made a presentation “Healing with Art or Art Therapy for Children and Adults” under the guidance of Rimma Kirichenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Education in Technologies and Design. The speakers noted the range of problems that can be solved with the help of various art therapy techniques, namely: internal and interpersonal conflicts, crises, traumas, existential and age-related crises, losses, post-stress situations, etc. Art therapy opens up space for the psychologist’s creative search, because the perception and processing of figurative information are of equal value and complement each other. Mankind has not yet invented a better tool than a fairy tale, drawing, game, or story. Art therapy methods help to form a personality, one’s worldview, life strategies and scenarios, teaching a person to be the creator of his or her own life. The concept of art therapy, a variety of directions and types were considered, namely: bibliotherapy, fairy tale therapy, color therapy, photo therapy, video therapy, music therapy, game therapy, animation therapy, origami, work with clay, sand, etc.

Alla Kolodyazhna, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Education in Technologies and Design, drew the attention of the workshop participants to the phenomenon of the popularity of art therapy as a modern way of self-regulation and personal development in crisis, healing through creativity and art, and held a creative workshop with students using scrapbooking techniques.



The seminar was not only a platform for new knowledge and experience, but also a great psycho-emotional support for the participants.

And finally, a photo with your own creative works!
