Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Another meeting of the Council of Veterans of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design was held. They were informed about the results of work in 2023 and tasks for 2024. They also discussed current issues of support and assistance of the Council of Veterans in ensuring and implementing state policy in higher education and science, creating conditions for deepening cooperation between the University and business, active participation in the proceedings measures for the national-patriotic education of students, study of problems and ensuring their solutions within the limits of the powers entrusted to them.

The session was opened by Ivan Gryshchenko, Rector of the University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, active member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Ivan Mykhailovych emphasized the importance of the experience and role of the KNUTD Council of Veterans in preserving and developing the best traditions of the University and the national-patriotic education of youth, especially today in the conditions of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine. For more than two years, the war with Russia has been going on, for more than two years, the Ukrainian people have courageously and steadfastly defended the independence, statehood, and unity of our country. For more than 730 days and nights, heroic and indomitable sons and daughters restrained the full-scale invasion of the Russian aggressor country, and everyone who works, studies in the rear, donates, volunteers brings our Victory closer every day, everyone does what they can...

Ivan Gryshchenko informed about the important achievements of the University staff - without losing the pace, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design continues to improve its position. For example, compared to 2022, in the overall rating of 2023, there was an increase of 5 positions and an improvement of the final rating score by 21 points. Also, the entry of our University into the top ten institutions of higher education in the capital of Ukraine is a significant achievement of the scientific and pedagogical team! This once again confirms the correctly chosen strategic course of KNUTD development. And recently, approved by the Scientific Council of KNUTD “Development Strategy of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in the conditions of martial law and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine for 2024-2028” adds confidence in further growth.

“We have to nurture high moral ideals”, noted Ivan Mykhailovych, “to encourage the affirmation of education, stability, self-identity and responsibility in times of trials for the Ukrainian people, form readiness to defend the Motherland, and the Council of Veterans, through their work with youth, proves the importance of maintaining the connection between generations.

Traditionally, in March, the University takes part in Shevchenko Days and this year the events, dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the birth of Veliky Kobzar, were held: a festive concert of students and teachers; the exhibition of literature “The Immortal Eternal Contents of Kobzar” published by T. H. Shevchenko and about the Ukrainian prophet, stored in the funds of the scientific and technical library of KNUTD; overview of the exhibitions of the creative “Shevchenko’s series”: “Shevchenko’s series of the artist Ivan Yizhakevych” and “Love your Ukraine” by Ivan Marchuk.

From March 4 to 25, 2024, the third season of Ukrainian contemporary art, a platform for self-expression, was opened by the presentation of the works “... A PEACEFUL DREAM” by a well-known Ukrainian artist, university teacher Dmytro Koval, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, at the "Art Space of KNUTD" Exhibition Center , freedom and exchange of ideas. The power of faith, hope, responsibility for the future of our state and each of us, like works of art, support, inspire, confirm the victory of light over darkness, good over evil... Eternal remains eternal. Today, society more than ever needs strengthening and implementation of spiritual values, unification, cohesion.

Summing up the work of the Council of Veterans, Ivan Gryshchenko emphasized that by training highly qualified specialists and patriotically conscious citizens for economic development and post-war reconstruction of our great, free, strong country, we are all bringing our Victory closer!

A nationally conscious, educated, courageous society is invincible! Together to our victory! Ukraine is above all!


Viktor LISCHUK, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of KNUTD
