Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Educational, production and pedagogical practices for students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of the first (Bachelor) level lasted from February 12 to March 9, 2024. It is an important component of the educational process and of the training competitive specialists.

Within the educational programs «English language: translation in business communication» on specialty 035 Philology, «Secondary education: English language and literature» and «Ukrainian language and literature and English philological studies» on specialty 014 Secondary education the students of the 1st year have completed educational training at the Department of philology and translation under the leadership of Svitlana Dvorianchykova (PhD, Associate professor).

Students of the groups BAM-23, BZAM-23, BDAM-23, BDVA-23, BVU-23 studied the basics of academic relationships in institutions of higher education, acquired a holistic awareness of the set of ethical principles and rules of academic integrity, which are important in educational, practical, scientific and educational activities. In addition, with the help of mentors, trainee students worked on the formation and improvement of the basic skills of high-quality academic writing: they prepared two theses of speeches for further participation in the All-Ukrainian conference «Innovative trends in the training of specialists in the conditions of a multicultural and multilingual globalized world» and in an International conference «Dialogue of cultures in the European educational space», that take place at KNUTD on the initiative of the Department of philology and translation.

The trainee students worked inspired and productive. Willing students successfully completed the online courses «Academic Integrity» (on the EdEra platform) and «Academic Integrity at the University» (on the VUM online platform), passed the final tests and received the appropriate certificates. The results of students' studies obtained in non-formal education were recognized as part of the study results, the achievement of which is provided by the mandatory component «Educational practice» of educational programs. The staff of the department was pleased with the positive feedback from the students about the course of practice, such as: After completing the course of educational practice at KNUTD, I came to the conclusion that academic integrity is not only a set of rules, but the moral basis and the main value of the corporate culture of all participants in the educational process; During the writing of theses under the guidance of the mentor, I learned to select the necessary information from various sources, in particular from professional literature and electronic sources, critically analyze it, organize, classify and systematize it; It was very informative and useful!; The experience of acquiring competences in the academic field is of great importance for my further professional growth and development; Thank you for teaching me to be honest and correct and formulate thoughts beautifully!

In accordance with the educational and professional program «English language: translation in business communication» on specialty 035 Philology of the Bachelor’s training, the students of the 2nd and 3rd years completed productional practice at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, «TAS EVOTEK» LLC, «BELEMA TRADE» LLC, Charitable Foundation «East SOS», «BETTA SERVICE» LLC.

The applicants for higher education of the groups BAM-22, BZAM-22, BDAM-22 under the leadership of Nataliia Gudkova (PhD, Associate professor) and the applicants for higher education of the groups BAM-21, BZAM-21, BDAM-21 under the leadership of Svitlana Goncharenko (senior teacher) improved their professional and translation skills.

The trainee students of the groups BAM-21, BZAM-21, BDAM-21 got acquainted with the specifics of the work of the enterprises, felt themselves as a part of the team and a certain level of responsibility for the quality of their own work and effective communication. The possible difficulties of translation that arise due to the polysemic nature of English words, specific terminology, non-equivalent vocabulary, and the need to follow the style were identified. According to impressions, the tasks that appeared before the trainee students turned out to be quite difficult, but interesting at the same time, which caused healthy excitement, strengthened the desire to overcome this peak on the difficult path of acquiring knowledge.

On February 12, 2024, trainee students were involved in the work of the Ukrainian-Czech business forum, which was initiated by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ukraine and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine. Daria Lukanicheva, Veronika Onyshchenko (BAM-22), Maryna Honcharuk, Alina Hubenko, Alina Kononenko (BZAM-22) took an active part in the work of the forum, acting as interpreters and observers.

On February 21, 2024, trainee students Daria Lukanicheva, Daria Bolshak, Olga Lavrenko (BAM-22) took part in a round table with Latvian business representatives, during which they helped ensure successful communication between speakers of different languages.

On February 27, 2024, the head of the practice base, Anna Liubyma, invited trainee students to the webinar «European Green Course. Circular economy», where they improved the skills of listening to English-language information in the context of business communication.

On March 1, 2024, within the framework of the «Congress of Veterans and Business Associations» with the participation of diplomats, trainee students Kateryna Suslo, Olga Lavrenko, Sofiia Minaieva (BAM-22), Oksana Klymchuk (BDAM-22) demonstrated organizational skills and the ability to work in a team. They actively assisted in the work of the event during the registration of English-speaking congress participants and accompanied them to the event.

During the productive practice, applicants for higher education also improved their skills of written translation of various business documents from Ukrainian into English and vice versa. They translated invitations, programs of events, interviews, basic provisions on the Ukrainian part of business councils, letters of appeal, etc. Our students thanked for the opportunity to join the work of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (practice managers from the organization Valierii Korol, Anna Liubyma), «TAS EVOTEK» LLC (practice manager from the company Victoriia Pavlychenko), «BELEMA TRADE» LLC (practice manager from the company Viacheslav Hrebeniuk), Charitable Foundation «East SOS» (practice managers from the organization Oksana Kuiantseva and Khrystyna Holovko), «BETTA SERVICE» LLC (practice manager from the company Evelina Haloian) and left their comments about their impressions of the practice and business meetings: Understanding that business is developing, new investors and partners are entering the economic market, opening businesses on the territory of our state, makes it possible to feel that Ukraine is alive and working, and we are all doing everything possible for its victory. We learned a lot from practice: here we realize how the system of events works, what functions translators perform, in which situations your skills are needed and how to use them, you can evaluate your skills, analyze your communication skills, feel the nuances of communicating in a foreign language in business circles and evaluate yourself. We saw the translators directly in work. It was an incredible experience! Thank you very much for the opportunity!

In accordance with the educational and professional program «Secondary education: English language and literature» on specialty 014 Secondary education of Bachelor’s program, trainee students of the 2nd year completed pedagogical practice in gymnasium № 109 of Taras Shevchenko of the Pechersk District of Kyiv and «OPTIMA Education Center» LLC under the leadership of Iryna Kornieieva (PhD, Associate professor).

Svitlana Morieva (gymnasium № 109) and Tetiana Kravchenko («OPTIMA Education Center») as the practice managers from the educational establishments  helped the future teachers of English to gain professional experience about the forms, means, methods, and technologies of the organization of educational work in institutions of general secondary education. The trainee students realized the importance of the knowledge acquired in the KNUTD classrooms for solving practical tasks in English language and Foreign literature classes. Our students of the groups BVA-22, BZVA-22, BDVA-22 developed creative initiative and were convinced of the expediency of choosing the profession of English language and literature teacher.

The students thanked the schools and shared their impressions of the pedagogical practice: I came to the conclusion that teachers should be ready for constant self-improvement, learning new methods and technologies in order to effectively teach the material to students; My expectations about the pedagogical practice came true, because it allowed me to actively apply modern teaching methods, interact in a virtual environment and try to organize your own lesson; I am satisfied with the course of practice and I am grateful for the opportunity to gain experience in an innovative school; Satisfaction from practice gave positive emotions and a desire to develop in the field of pedagogy.

All our students demonstrated a sufficient level of professional training and readiness for active work. The practice of the applicants for higher education of the Department of philology and translation of KNUTD became an important stage of their education, which will certainly contribute to their further successful entry into professional activity.
