Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On 26 March 2024, a meeting of the heads of academic groups was held at the Faculty of Design. The event was organised by Kalyna Pashkevych, Dean of the Faculty of Design, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Olena Gerasymenko, Deputy Dean for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, and Oleksandr Vasyliev, Deputy Dean for Educational Work, Assistant of the Department of Graphic Design.

The meeting was attended by the heads of academic groups of the first (bachelor’s) and the second (master’s) levels of higher education under the educational programs “Fashion Design”, “Environmental Design”, “Graphic Design”, “Multimedia Design”, “Design (by type)”.

The meeting addressed the issues related to class attendance, general discipline, and students’ active participation in the social and cultural life of the University. Attention was paid to the organisation of various cultural, educational, and national-patriotic events.

The group heads Anastasia Ivanchykina, Daria Karpenko, Victoria Serkiz, Polina Kvyatkovska, Kateryna Shovkun, and others received answers to questions about the need to control the connection of all students to the modular environment of the educational process and the electronic journal.

They discussed the need to ensure friendly relations between students in groups, support each other in difficult times of war, and take care of their own mental health. Oleksandr Vasyliev reminded the group leaders of the rules of conduct and the sequence of actions for students after the air-raid alarm is announced.

Daria Karpenko, the head of the student self-government of the Faculty of Design, initiated visits to art exhibitions and museums by students of different groups, and Valeria Kryvunenko suggested taking part in a charity event to help children who suffered as a result of the full-scale invasion, lost their parents and children with special needs. The meeting participants supported these proposals unanimously.

We thank all the attendees for their active participation in the meeting!
