Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On April 15-19, 2024, the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving from the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies hospitably opened their doors to everyone and invited them to travel to the world of modern chemical technologies!

The week began with the presentation of educational programs and activities of the Department. First of all, DScTech, Prof. Viktoria Plavan, Head of the Department, greeted all those present and introduced them to the history of the Department, its activities, educational programs that train students of all levels of education, and employment opportunities. The visitors were also addressed by Dr. habil. in Education, Prof. Tetiana Derkach, Dean of the Faculty, who emphasized the importance of obtaining a modern basic technical education.


The beginning of a series of thematic events was the OpenLab "Chemical Technologies of Textile Materials" under the leadership of senior lecturer of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Resource Saving PhD, Assoc. Prof. Iryna Lyashok. In order to popularize chemical technologies among students of KNUTD, OpenLab was visited by students of the educational programs "Chemical technologies and engineering", "Environmental protection technologies" of the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies, and students of the educational programs "Fashion industry", "Computer design in the fashion industry" Faculty of Arts and Fashion. The participants had the opportunity to learn about the types of dyes and dye samples of textile materials in different colors, and keep the samples dyed by their own hands as a souvenir.


On April 16, the marathon was picked up by the associate professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Resource Saving, DScTech, Assoc. Prof. Volodymyr Khomenko, who familiarized everyone with the updated educational and scientific laboratory "New Materials and Processes in Electrochemical Energy Laboratory". The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment from well-known foreign and domestic manufacturers, including automatic multi-channel systems for electrochemical research by ARBIN, a complex for measuring electromagnetic parameters of shielding, a Shimadzu IRAffinity-1S IR-Fourier spectrophotometer, a BeNano 90 dynamic light scattering nanoparticle size analyzer, etc. The X-Supreme 8000 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, which determines the elemental composition of materials, aroused special interest among students. The girls were very pleased to determine the composition of the alloys from which their jewelry was made.



On April 17, the continuation of the program was a public lecture entitled "New directions in the development of chemical technologies". DScTech, Prof.  Victoria Plavan, Head of the Department spoke in a very accessible and interesting way about how the chemical industry of Ukraine overcomes modern challenges, about new directions in the development of chemical technologies not only in Ukraine but also throughout the world, and  emphasized the importance of the development of chemical engineering sciences.


On April 18, a public lecture by Andrei Jitianu, Professor at New York University, was held on the topic “Anti-corrosion properties of hybrid glasses obtained via sol-gel chemistry”. The moderator was the associate professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving,  DScTech, Assoc. Prof. Volodymyr Khomenko, who introduced the foreign colleague, briefly introduced everyone to the subject of the lecture, the considered methods of synthesis of the material and the areas of application of the finished product. The informativeness of the lecture contributed to the expansion of the worldview of the junior students, as well as to the deepening of knowledge in the fundamental training of master and postgraduate students.


At the end, on April 19, the presentation of the new educational and professional program of the second (master’s) level "3D printing technologies" took place. The guarantor of the program is a professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving DScTech, Prof. Bohdan Savchenko who willingly talked about the features of this program, promising directions of 3D-printing technologies and demand in many industries. DScTech, Prof. Victoria Plavan, Head of the Department, and Dr. habil. in Education, Prof.  Tetiana Derkach, Dean of the Faculty, emphasized the relevance of the program and wished a successful start.

At the end of the Week of Modern Chemical Technologies, a master class on additive technologies was held. It was prepared by the teachers of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving, DScTech, Prof. Bohdan Savchenko, DScTech, Prof. Nadiya Sova, and PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dmytro Novak. Those present got acquainted with the process of manufacturing 3D-products: from the creation of a computer model to the formation of the finished product on a 3D- printer. Those who wished received small souvenirs made in the laboratory.


Conducting such events promotes the popularization of modern chemical technologies among young people, plays an important role in the exchange of creative ideas in various fields of chemical technologies and environmental engineering.
