Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On May 20, 2024, the KNUTD exhibition center "Art Space" hosted the opening of the unique exhibition “The Art of Shoe Design and Manufacture”, continuing the series of exhibitions in the third season of presentations. The art venue showcased the creative achievements and innovations of talented students and professors in shoe design and manufacture. Today, as war continues in Ukraine, this takes on special significance.

The event was officially opened by Ivan Gryshchenko, Rector of KNUTD, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, and member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. He emphasized the relevance and importance of holding an art exhibition that promotes the fashion industry in Ukraine and worldwide. In his speech, Ivan Mykhailovych highlighted that today this venue not only showcases significant design potential in creating modern collections of ergonomic footwear but also demonstrates the high level of technological sophistication of these fashion industry products. He noted that KNUTD is a Ukrainian flagship with 94 years of experience in training specialists in design and technology of fashion industry products. The Rector emphasized the synergy of science, education, and art in the field of shoe design and manufacture. He thanked everyone involved in organizing the event and expressed support for initiatives that promote creativity and the practical application of scientific knowledge within the university community.

The unique author’s collections of shoe models presented have deep meaning and significance, awakening a desire for beauty, creating a special mood filled with light and vivid colors, and generating a warm atmosphere in the hall.


The Dean of the Faculty of Fashion Industry, Professor Natalia Ostapenko, delivered a speech on education, scientific developments, and the latest technologies applied by students and faculty members at the University. She noted that many well-known designers use footwear as a medium to express their creativity, creating highly artistic models that become works of art. Natalia Valentynivna also highlighted the strong composition of the University's Department of Fashion Technology, whose team efforts lead to the creation of high-quality footwear competitive on an international level. She pointed out that the creative ideas implemented in the collections direct the creative potential of young designers towards a progressive channel of conscious consumption of fashion industry products, thereby reducing the impact on environmental pollution. Concluding her speech, the Dean thanked everyone for creating an artistic platform for the creative expressions of talented individuals, visualizing their worldview, and expressed confidence in the continuation of the tradition of holding successful exhibitions.


Additionally, Ihor Polovnikov, a member of the University's Supervisory Board and a Distinguished Figure of Science and Technology in Ukraine, also addressed the guests and participants of "The Art of Shoe Design and Manufacture" exhibition with a speech. He emphasized the strategic importance of such events in fostering an innovative spirit among students and faculty members, which aids in preparing highly qualified professionals ready to meet the challenges of the modern market.


Fabio Alberto Regoza, the CEO of the joint Ukrainian-Italian enterprise "RIF - 1" (Inblu brand), in his speech emphasized the importance of international partnerships and collaboration in shoe design and manufacturing. He expressed his admiration for the level of craftsmanship and innovation demonstrated in the shoe models showcased at the exhibition, and thanked the University for facilitating international exchange of knowledge and technologies. He also noted how cooperation with the University promotes the development of new approaches in the footwear industry, which help produce high-quality products that combine comfort, style, and affordability.


Today, footwear is not just about protecting the feet; it underscores personal and social identification, becomes a source of inspiration for artists and designers, and elevates us to a new level of self-awareness.

In his speech, Oleksandr Bondar, the director of the "Prime Shoes" footwear factory and a stakeholder of the University, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate and the contribution of the University community to the development of the footwear industry. He emphasized that modern educational programs enable the training of qualified professionals ready to meet market challenges. Oleksandr Ivanovych also covered topics on innovation and sustainable development in the field of shoe design. He highlighted the importance of integrating new technologies and creative approaches into production to remain competitive in the global market.


"The Art of Shoe Design and Manufacture" exhibition has become a platform where the fusion of art and innovation is showcased in unique designer collections of footwear and accessories. These were created by higher education seekers from the Department of Fashion Technology, winners of various competitions. Among these are the International Competition for Young Fashion Designers "Pecherski Kashtany" (Kyiv, KNUTD), the International Competition of One Image and New Year-Christmas Decor "Suzirya 'Kashtan'" (Kyiv, KNUTD), the International Competition of Young Designers "Digital Fashion" (Kyiv, KNUTD), and the International Competition of Young Designers of Clothing, Footwear, and Accessories "New Coloration" (Mukachevo) among others.

Tymofiy Lypskyi, a University graduate, Associate Professor at the Department of Fashion Technology, director of the private enterprise "Lypskyi TM," and founder of the Ukrainian footwear brand LITINI, shared his own experience with the audience about the importance of the connection between academic knowledge and its application in the practical field of footwear production.


During the opening of "The Art of Shoe Design and Manufacture" exhibition at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, the guests had the unique opportunity to hear and see video addresses from esteemed representatives of the educational and scientific community in the fashion industry.

Alexander Borodinia, a member of the Supervisory Board of KNUTD and president of the "Ukrshkiryvzuttyaprom" league, in his video greeting expressed gratitude to the University for its role in the development of the footwear industry in Ukraine. He noted that events like this exhibition demonstrate Ukraine's readiness to develop and compete in the global market, emphasizing the importance of supporting young professionals and their creative projects.

Professor Tetiana Spahiu from the Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania) addressed the participants with words of support and encouragement, expressing her admiration for the University's innovative approaches to education and the development of young talents in shoe design. She highlighted the importance of international collaboration for exchanging experiences and ideas that can transform educational methods and production technologies.

A powerful musical greeting from Alexander Vasilenko, Professor of the Department of Performing Arts and Culture and People's Artist of Ukraine, added a festive mood to the exhibition.


Anastasiia Kutsenko, the coordinator of the KNUTD "Art Space" exhibition center, thanked the guests for their sincere words of support and wished for endless discovery of beauty through encounters with new talented masters working at our University.


Professor Natalia Pervaya and Associate Professor Liliya Chertenko from the Department of Fashion Technology extensively discussed the creation stories of aesthetically high-quality shoe collections made by higher education students and faculty members. They listed the materials and finishes used in manufacturing the models. The lecturers highlighted the contributions of colleagues and students to the development of footwear design, emphasizing how the University environment fosters creativity and innovation.


One of the exclusive footwear collections presented at the exhibition is "Dinner with Van Gogh," inspired by the works of the renowned artist Vincent Van Gogh, specifically "Starry Night" and "Sunrise." The collection was created with the participation of our graduate, Maksym Kryvtsov, a Ukrainian poet, photographer, civic leader, junior sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, participant in the Russo-Ukrainian War, and posthumously awarded the Order of Merit, Third Class, in 2024.

Today, more than ever, all our thoughts and actions are directed towards the victory of Ukraine in the Russo-Ukrainian War. The student patriotic footwear collection "Undefeated Trident" was created and produced by the initiative of the "Yantex design lab" in collaboration with Alen Group, specifically designed for the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Acknowledging the relevance of digital technologies in the art of shoemaking, the exhibition also features collections "Cheese" and "Queen of Chess," which were created using innovative 3D modeling and printing technologies.


The elegant models from the shoe collection, authored by the University graduate and founder of the Ukrainian footwear brand LITINI (hand-made), Associate Professor of the Department of Fashion Technology, Tymofiy Lypskyi, are executed in a national style. This unique collection of natural leather footwear is adorned with ornamental embroidery, achieved through laser engraving, and embellished using a unique patination technique.

The crafting of adornments with small beads, pearls, corals, and glass beads is common to many cultures worldwide, and in Ukraine, it has been practiced since the times of Kyivan Rus. Today, it is a distinctive phenomenon in Ukrainian culture of the 19th and 20th centuries to decorate fashion industry products with bead embroidery and more.

The simplest technique for making bead ornaments is stringing. Initially, primitive ornaments were made by threading clay or stone beads on a cord or thread. Now, accessories made from glass beads, semi-precious or precious stones, and other materials are the most popular form of decoration in Ukraine, from the beginning and throughout the development of the national tradition of bead embellishment. At the exhibition stand, women's boots from the "Soul Flower" collection are displayed, decorated with floral bead patterns.

The exhibition "The Art of Shoe Design and Manufacture," showcasing the creative achievements of higher education seekers and faculty members of the Department of Arts and Fashion at KNUTD, will be open to visitors until June 15, 2024, at the KNUTD "Art Space" exhibition center.

We sincerely invite you to join this artistic event!

