Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On May 22, 2024, the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, together with partners, held the event "Educational Compass for the Ukrainian Future for Young People from the Temporarily Occupied Territories".

On behalf of the University, Volodymyr Statsenko, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Tetiana Bukoros, Director of the Scientific and Technical Library of the Faculty of Political Science, PhD in Political Sciences Associate Professor, took part in the forum. 

The purpose of the event was to discuss decisions on promoting the admission of students from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, improving access to information for those wishing to enter Ukrainian higher education institutions, establishing a clear coordination of actions aimed at supporting the acquisition of high-quality education by young people from the temporarily occupied territories.

The event was opened by Dmytro Lubinets, the Ombudsman of Ukraine, who outlined the principles of ensuring the right to education for Ukrainian citizens with disabilities and focused on the main problems of ensuring this right.

Olha Altunina, a representative of the Commissioner for the Rights of Citizens Affected by the Armed Aggression against Ukraine, presented the Analytical Report based on the results of the monitoring visits to the "Crimea-Ukraine" and "Donbas-Ukraine" educational centers. Olha Altunina talked about a number of problems faced by applicants who want to enter Ukrainian higher education institutions.

The second Analytical Report was presented by Oleh Okhredko, an expert-analyst of the public organization "Civil Enlightenment Center "Almenda". It was dedicated to the results of a survey of students from the temporarily occupied territories.

Detailed reports can be found at the following links:

"Analytical report based on the results of a comprehensive survey of students from the TOT of Ukraine regarding educational needs and problems related to obtaining an education";

Analytical report "Readiness of educational institutions, on the basis of which educational centers were created, for the admission of children and youth from temporarily occupied territories."

The forum was attended by Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine; Mykhailo Vynnytskyi, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine; Tamila Tasheva, permanent representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; Oleh Sharov, general director of the Directorate of Vocational Pre-Higher and Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, rectors and heads of educational centers of higher education institutions of Ukraine.

During the panel discussions, the following issues were discussed: improvement of the admission procedure for entrants from the TOT, information availability, scholarship support for preparatory courses for persons from the TOT, and ways to solve problems that arise when working with applicants from the TOT when entering higher education institutions of Ukraine.

KNUTD supports the educational front of Ukraine, ensuring the fundamental right of every child - access to high-quality Ukrainian education, responding to the challenges of wartime, participating in the development of promising measures for the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories and the preservation of human capital in Ukraine.

We sincerely thank the representatives of the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for the opportunity to participate in the resolution of issues in the form of communications between the authorities, educators and the public sector regarding the creation of appropriate conditions for the admission and training of entrants from the TOT in the controlled territories of our state.
