On May 7, 2024, within the framework of cooperation with stakeholders, Zhanna Zhyhalkevych, Professor of the Department of Industrial Marketing of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", gave a guest lecture for applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the programs "Marketing", "Digital Marketing" and applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education under the program "Communication Marketing" on the topic "Digital Marketing: Fashion or Necessity".
During the lecture, Zhanna Zhyhalkevych addressed the following issues:
What is digital marketing?
What is GDPR?
What are the digital assets of a company?
How is the analysis of competitors' websites useful?
Briefly about social networks and messengers.
Briefly about social networks and messengers.
Key terms and metrics of the digital environment
The academic staff and students of the Department of Marketing and Communication Design highly appreciated the quality and accessibility of the material presented, the use of modern technical teaching aids by the lecturer, and noted the relevance and modernity of the lecture content.
Zhanna Mykhailivna also discussed with colleagues and applicants the urgent issues of improving professional competencies in the field of modern marketing digital technologies, as well as the ways to improve educational and professional programs.
The event was attended by more than 100 students majoring in 075 Marketing.
We are sincerely grateful to Zhanna Mykhailivna and all the participants of the event
for their activity and fruitful discussion!