Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



The academic staff of the Department of Fashion Technology of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design cooperates with Akaki Tsereteli State University to expand the horizons of cooperation, strengthening friendly and partnership relations.

This year, as part of the Week of Textile and Light Industry, a series of lectures by professors of the Department of Design and Technology of Akakia Tsereteli Kutaisi State University Nino Dolidze and Lela Kiknavelidze were held in the online distance learning format for higher education students majoring in 182 “Light Industry Technologies” (educational and professional programmes “Design and Technology of Garments”, “Modelling, Design and Artistic Decoration of Light Industry Products”, “Fashion Industry”), of the educational and scientific program "Professional Education", specialty 015 Professional Education.


About 140 students joined the meeting in the classroom and remotely. The event was moderated by the Head of the Department of Fashion Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Olha Haranina and PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Fashion Technology Lilia Chertenko.

On May 30, 2024, Professor Nino Dolidze gave a public lecture on “Georgian National Costume as a Monument of Georgia’s Material Culture”. An interesting story about the history of the creation of the national costume, traditions and the lecturer’s personal attitude to fashion, beauty, creativity, culture of the Georgian people captured the hearts of the audience, caused a wave of positive emotions and interesting questions.


Nino Dolidze noted that the artists’ work is studied by world scientists who are inspired by national costumes, find answers to pressing questions of our time, and enjoy the depth of meaning and the filigree design of products. In her work, the lecturer often refers to national traditions when creating costume designs, which she discovers every day in a new perspective of world perception.

On the second day, Professor Lela Kiknavelidze gave a public lecture on “Optical Illusions in Costume”.



Lela Kiknavelidze skilfully demonstrated in practice how to create an interesting image, exquisite shape, emphasise the features of the figure, and support femininity and style with the help of fine art elements and illusions.

Inspired by the masterpieces of world-class artists on the use of illusions in architecture, painting, and weaving, the designers find answers to the question of creating a modern costume design using illusions. In her work with students, when creating an ensemble of products from different materials, Lela Kiknavelidze often refers to this topic and works fruitfully. The collections of products of different stylistic ideas under the direction of Lela Kiknavelidze have repeatedly won the International Competition “Pecherski Kashtany”.

Nino Dolidze and Lela Kiknavelidze continued to communicate with students and colleagues from KNUTD after the lecture, answering students’ questions and communicating in a friendly atmosphere.

The students were interested to hear about illusions in modern costumes, Georgian national traditions and the stylisation of modern costumes. These are beautiful and exquisite products that symbolise the national culture and traditions of the Georgian people.

The participants noted that the traditions of the Georgian and Ukrainian peoples, religion, culture and holidays are intertwined and overlap, which is evidence of the commonwealth of the Ukrainian and Georgian peoples and the mutual enrichment of the two cultures.

We sincerely thank Nino Dolidze, Lela Kiknavelidze and all our colleagues from Akaki Tsereteli State University for their friendship and cooperation!
