Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On June 19, 2024, the Exhibition Center of KNUTD "Art Space" hosted the grand opening of the exhibition The Art of Design and Garment Manufacturing Technology, organized by teachers and students of the Faculty of Design and the Faculty of Arts and Fashion. This exhibition is unique because it presents the work of students under the guidance of teachers in the field of design and modern garment manufacturing technology. The knowledge and skills gained while studying at our University, talent and creativity made it possible to create sophisticated and elegant clothing models. The exhibition “The Art of Design and Garment Manufacturing Technology” combined art, design, manufacturing innovations and became a platform for presenting the best achievements of young talents, winners of international competitions and participants of fashion shows on world catwalks.

The opening ceremony was started by Ivan Gryshchenko, Rector of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Ivan Mykhailovych emphasized that our country is going through the most difficult period in its life, and this affects the whole world and the work of the University. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design is fulfilling its mission with dignity, powerfully realizing its main task, which is to train competitive personnel, in particular in design, fashion, and art, who will rebuild our country and our lives. Today, our graduates, who work practically all over the world, are a reflection of the University's activities in design and technology of garment manufacturing, which is rightfully recognized by all experts as a leader in training highly qualified personnel for our country and beyond. In his speech, the Rector pointed out the number of students studying at the main campus and other structural subdivisions in the specialties “Design” and “Light Industry Technologies”, recalled the bright business cards of the University – a cascade of international creative competitions, including “Pecherski Kashtany”, “Suzirya Kashtan”, “Digital Fashion”, etc. Ivan Mykhailovych emphasized that today an extraordinary event is taking place in the artistic space of the University, the exhibition represents an exquisite, exclusive creative quintessence, the joint creative work of specialists – teachers and students – for the whole world. “Two faculties are presenting this exhibition today, but we have one cause. Fashion is interesting and as old as this world and, at the same time, as young as a newborn child. All fantasies begin in the minds of talented young people and then are realized in such models”, Ivan Mykhailovych emphasized and added, "We have great teachers and gifted students. We find them and invite to study. They find us and fly like moths to the light. Then we train these talented individuals into young creative professionals who then run businesses and glorify Ukraine and the University. That's why the University is a place where ideas, talents, design, art, and creativity come together."

Kalyna Pashkevych, Dean of the Faculty of Design, Professor, in her speech, presented the achievements of the Faculty of Design, in particular the Department of Costume Art and Design, which began its activities in 1992 as the Department of Artistic Costume Modeling at Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry; she mentioned the founders of the creative specialty "Artistic Costume Design", members of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the Union of Designers of Ukraine Tetiana Nikolaieva, Yevhen Gula, Natalia Shekhirieva, Olha Mamchych and other teachers. She spoke about famous graduates of the University, Ukrainian designers who represent Ukraine on the world catwalks in London, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, Budapest, Rome, etc., as some of the archival works of famous graduates and contemporary works of talented students of the Department of Art and Costume Design, made under the guidance of teachers, were presented at the exhibition. She drew the attention of the exhibition guests to the exhibits from the unique collection of replicas of historical costumes "Costume Library" initiated by Professor Tetiana Nikolaieva, Associate Professors Halyna Kokorina, Iryna Davydenko, Nadiia Kudriavtseva, Inna Haiova and other teachers of the Department of Costume Art and Design. Ms. Pashkevych thanked the Rector of the University Ivan Mykhailovych for organizing the exhibition platform where students and teachers can demonstrate their creativity and best achievements.

Natalia Ostapenko, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion, Professor, warmly addressed the audience and emphasized that today's artistic platform once again confirms the high level of training of fashion industry professionals and their significant creative potential, demonstrating a variety of products of high aesthetics and their manufacturability. In her speech, Natalia emphasized that the presented collections, ranging from classic to non-trivial images of models of various silhouette, three-dimensional forms and style, color and graphic solutions made of textiles, fur, leather, etc., combine the spirit of sensuality and freedom, position the philosophy of eco-friendly fashion, demonstrate a sense of style and high quality workmanship. Through their textile creations, Ukrainian talented students call for preserving their own history and transmitting the entire deep layer of memory. At the same time, the exhibition aims to reveal the world of the individual who expresses his or her own worldview. Even in the crisis situation that came to us along with the pandemic and martial law, creative Ukrainian youth is becoming even more interesting for global brands. According to many fashion and design researchers, the main strategic task for Ukraine should be the transition from "Made in Ukraine" to "Designed by Ukraine". In conclusion, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion sincerely thanked her Alma Mater, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, and personally the Rector Ivan Mykhailovych for supporting the development of fashion and design in the University, Ukraine and the world.

Golda Vynohradska, founder and owner of ТМ “GOLDA”, head of the Fashion Globus Ukraine public union, vice president of the Confederation of Designers and Stylists of Ukraine, once again emphasized the high and professional level of not only the models of the collections, but also the culture of training in the field of light industry and design at the University. She also emphasized the connection between generations through the prism of the value of transferring knowledge and skills, traditions, experience, etc. She sincerely wished that this exhibition could be seen by as many people in the world as possible to understand the depth of the ideology of clothing creation in Ukraine, a certain symbolization of events, etc. "For example, I was particularly surprised by Anastasia Navrotska's collection, which recreates the history of Ukraine. It is both symbolic and sensual, and it is a trigger that evokes certain emotions. I am very proud that the National Sectoral Partnership of Light Industry of Ukraine, which I have the right to lead, is the same reliable partner of your institution", Ms. Vynohradska emphasized. The speaker showed high appreciation for the staff trained at the University and wished them further success and progress.

In his welcoming speech, Bohdan Kass, designer, founder of the KASS fashion brand, multiple participant of Ukrainian Fashion Week, and graduate of KNUTD, testified to the high level of training of KNUTD students – future fashion designers who presented in the art space products made of various materials, decorated with handmade trimmings, interesting, even sometimes avant-garde shapes – skillfully and lovingly made. Mr. Kass wished his native University prosperity and development and to continue to hold high positions in world rankings as the best design school in Ukraine.

Natalia Rozhyn, a lecturer at Birmingham City University (UK), a graduate of the Department of Costume Art and Design, sent a video greeting in which she noted that Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design is a world-renowned design school with a high rating among world universities and almost 100 years of history of training fashion designers; thanked the Rector, Academician Ivan Gryshchenko for continuing to work, develop, and improve the University under his leadership in the difficult time of war for Ukraine.

Oleksii Kraievskyi, designer, researcher of fashion and jewelry history, training manager of the Guerlain perfume house, graduate of the Department of Costume Art and Design of KNUTD, in his welcoming speech warmly recalled his teachers who have passed on knowledge to students and have formed a high-quality model of design training at KNUTD; separately highlighted the models presented at the exhibition from the “Costume Library” collection, namely, the reconstruction of the world-famous Givenchy Fashion House dress for the movie “Sabrina”.

Liudmyla Ivanova, Director of “Dana-Fashion” LLC, winner of the Borys Paton National Prize of Ukraine, member of the educational investment and technology cluster of light industry in Kyiv, addressed the audience with words of gratitude for such a successful event as the organization and opening of a powerful exhibition of creative work by the University students. As a graduate of the University, Liudmyla Ivanova said that our profession is one of the best in the world, as it constantly surprises with new images, harmony of shapes and color palette, decorating people. She highly appreciated the contribution of teachers and students to the development of the fashion industry and design, emphasizing how the University environment promotes creativity and innovation. The speaker also expressed her admiration for the level of skill and innovation in the creation of the clothing models demonstrated at the exhibition and thanked the University. At the end of her speech, she sincerely wished the development of talents, prosperity and creative inspiration.

During the opening of the exhibition at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, the guests had a unique opportunity to watch a video from respected representatives of the educational and scientific community in the fashion industry. Thus, Lela Kiknavelidze, Professor of Akaki Tsereteli State University (Kutaisi, Georgia), in her video message sincerely congratulated the Rector of KNUTD, Ivan Gryshchenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, as well as the organizers and all participants of the exhibition "The Art of Design and Garment Manufacturing Technology" on its grand opening. She emphasized that our Universities have many years of experience in cooperation, joint projects, as well as recognition and deep respect for the achievements of their colleagues. Ms. Kiknavelidze noted that thanks to the efforts of many generations of KNUTD teachers, thousands of young professionals have been trained who adequately represent their Alma Mater in the fashion and design industry in Ukraine and the world, which is confirmed by high positions in the world and national rankings of higher education institutions. This creative platform fully demonstrated the art of design and the art of manufacturing technologies and also became a platform for presenting the best achievements of young talents. In conclusion, the foreign colleague wished the University further prosperity, stability, and partnerships, and all the visitors only positive feedback and vivid impressions of the exposition.

Oleksandr Vasylenko, Professor of the Department of Performing Arts and Culture, People’s Artist of Ukraine, gave a musical greeting to all those present.

The exhibition “The Art of Design and Garment Manufacturing Technology” presents unique models from promising clothing collections, reconstructions of historical and folk clothes, spectacular costumes for movies, etc. made in different styles and techniques, decorated with various finishes, using non-traditional design techniques, fashion trends, based on various creative sources, which embody a wide range of educational programs of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion and the Faculty of Design.

The exhibition also features works by students of the Department of Multimedia Design of the Faculty of Design, participants of the international photo contest “Hot Ice” – fashion photos taken by students during their studies at the University and internships.

Tetiana Struminska, Head of the Department of Fashion and Style, and Iryna Davydenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Costume Art and Design, told the visitors about the history and peculiarities of creating the presented models. The guests of the exhibition had the opportunity to get more in-depth information about each exhibit thanks to QR codes, because each of the models symbolizes a certain stage of development of the art of costume design and clothing production at our University, a certain trend of fashion and style.

Thanks to the creative achievements of the teams and students of the Faculty of Design and the Faculty of Arts and Fashion, the University was ranked 52nd among the world's recognized design schools by CEOWORLD MAGAZINE. In 2023, KNUTD took 201-240th place in the QS ranking in the Art & Design.  Since 2021, KNUTD has been a member of the International Association of Design Schools CUMULUS.  This testifies to the worldwide recognition of the quality of creative educational programs of KNUTD.

We invite you to visit the exhibition, which will be on display from June 19 to July 19, 2024 at the Exhibition Center of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design “Art Space”!
