Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On June 13, 2024, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design hosted a discussion of the educational programmes of the Department of Finance and Business Consulting with stakeholders from the academic community, employers, higher education students and alumni.

The moderator of the event was the Head of the Department of Finance and Business Consulting, guarantor of the educational and professional programme "Financial Technologies, Accounting and Business Analytics" of the second (master's) level of higher education, speciality 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market (additional speciality 071 Accounting and Taxation), Doctor of Economics, Professor Iryna Tarasenko.

The event was attended by the guarantor of the educational and professional programme "Finance, Banking and Insurance" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, speciality 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Business Consulting, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Yulia Rusina, guarantor of the educational and scientific programme "Finance, Banking and Insurance" of the third (Doctor of Philosophy) level of higher education, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Business Consulting, Doctor of Economics, Professor Andrii Zolkover;  guarantor of the educational and professional programme "Accounting and Taxation" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, speciality 071 Accounting and Taxation, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Mykola Matiukha;  research and teaching staff (Nataliia Radionova, Valentyna Levchenko, Dmytro Kovalenko, Olha Chernysh, Olha Bunda) and higher education students of the Department under the relevant educational programmes (Alina Cherniay, Viktoria Chekhovych, Mykhailo Hutnchenko, Mykyta Chernyshov).

The discussion was attended by the stakeholders from the academic community: Vitaliy Venger, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Sectoral Forecasts and Market Conditions at the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics;  Ruslan Kostyrko, Professor of the National Centre for Accounting and Audit of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Doctor of Economics, Professor, part-time Director of Horizon Tech LLC; Valentyna Hlukhova, Deputy Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance for Educational and Methodological Work of Kremenchuk National University, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; Kostiantyn Bezverkhyi, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Analysis and Audit at the State University of Trade and Economics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor;  Viktor Trynchuk, Head of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Banking at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, PhD in Economics, Professor;  Andrii Ramskyi, Head of the Department of Finance at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Doctor of Economics, Professor. Among the stakeholders from the academic community were the Department’s alumni as well.

The employer stakeholders joined the discussion of the educational programmes: Olena Velychko, Deputy Director of Imona-Audit, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; Dmytro Sushko, Director of P1.ES.PI.AUDIT LLC, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; Oleksandr Bondar, CEO of Mega-Polis; Alisa Stepanian, Head of Kyiv Branch of JSC CB FUIB; Volodymyr Kostin, Head of the Branch Group of Kyiv Regional Centre of FUIB; Liudmyla Kolisetska, Member of the Board, Financial Director of INGO Insurance Company; Oksana Livshun, Chief Accountant of Dyrex LLC (graduate of the University); Serhii Dupin, Head of the Organisation, Chairman of the Board of the NGO "Institute of Accounting and Taxation"; Diana Debela, Deputy Director of the Postgraduate Education Institution "STATUS".

During the discussion, the purpose, uniqueness, educational components that contribute to the formation of general and professional competencies and the achievement of programme learning outcomes, features of the educational programmes "Finance, Banking and Insurance" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education and "Financial Technologies, Accounting and Business Analytics" of the second (master's) level of higher education, "Finance, Banking and Insurance" of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education and "Accounting and Taxation" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education were discussed.

When discussing the educational programmes, Andrii Ramskyi drew attention to the importance of strengthening the EC of the “Finance, Banking and Insurance” educational programme of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education by increasing the number of disciplines directly related to banking, as well as separating the EC Public Procurement from the EC Public Finance and Public Procurement; Kostiantyn Bezverkhyi proposed to clarify the names of the disciplines of the master's degree programme in “Financial Technologies, Accounting and Business Analytics” in the wording “Electronic Audit of Taxpayers”; Viktor Trynchuk and Olena Velychko stressed the need to introduce more disciplines related to the stock market into the first (bachelor's) degree programme in “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, in addition, Viktor Trynchuk proposed to take Physical Education out of the study programme; Ruslan Kostyrko emphasised the importance of studying the Master's degree programme in Taxation; Volodymyr Kostin suggested strengthening the practical component in the educational components of the EPP and the ESP.

The colleagues shared their own experience of training specialists in finance, banking, insurance, stock market, accounting and taxation in higher education institutions of Ukraine and, in general, supported the content of the EPP and PLO, as well as provided suggestions for their improvement.

Following the discussion, the stakeholders positively assessed the educational programmes of the Department of Finance and Business Consulting and noted that the Department had taken into account the previous proposals. The discussion also addressed issues for the further development of educational programmes.

The moderator of the event, Head of the Department of Finance and Business Consulting Iryna Tarasenko, thanked the participants for their productive work and expressed her hope for fruitful cooperation in the future.
