Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On June 28, 2024, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design held a solemn ceremony to welcome graduate bachelors. This year, almost 1,600 students of our University successfully completed their studies and received bachelor’s degrees. Among them, 322 are foreigners from China, Azerbaijan, Georgia and 12 other countries of the world.

The festive event was opened by Ivan Gryshchenko, Rector of KNUTD, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Ivan Mykhailovych sincerely congratulated the graduates on the fact that they received diplomas from one of the best universities in Ukraine, which is known not only in Europe but also has world recognition. The Rector noted that it is thanks to the initiative, brave and talented students that the University has international recognition and an image that is constantly developing and dynamically changing in accordance with the demands of society. Despite the war, the University did not stop working, continued to fulfill its main mission - to educate, teach and research. The result was high positions in many world rankings, worldwide recognition and inclusion in the TOP-100 best schools in the world for training specialists in design and industrial pharmacy. Currently, KNUTD has almost 11,000 students from 22 countries, 20% of whom are foreign citizens. KNUTD is also the first university in Ukraine to start exporting education abroad, opening an institute in China where more than 1,000 students study.

Ivan Mykhailovych wished the graduates good health and inexhaustible energy, to keep moving forward and never give up, not to lose humanity and life optimism, not to stop learning and professional development, and after achieving career success to remember fellow students, teachers and native KNUTD .

Maria Klymenko and Volodymyr Soinov, the graduates of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education addressed the Rector, teachers, parents and guests with welcoming words. They thanked for professionalism, provided knowledge and constant support of their abilities.

Skills and talent were demonstrated by Anna Novobranets and Daria Burchak, the graduates of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education, acting workshop of Vitaly Kino. They presented the guests of the event with the vocal and choreographic composition "Where are you now?" (music by Ihor Shamo, lyrics by Hrygoryi Boik).


The special guest of the celebration was the Honored Artist of Ukraine Petro Chorny, who congratulated the graduates and performed three of his hits: "Seven Thousand Hello" (music and lyrics by Petro Chorny and Andriy Tymoshyk), "Enemy's equipment is burning, burning" (lyrics and music by Oleksandr Ponomariev), "Ukrainians are good people" (music and lyrics by Petro Chorny and Andriy Tymoshyk). The performance of the famous singer became the highlight of the event and caused a flurry of applause.

The solemn event ended with a traditional joint photographing and tossing of confederates.

We wish our graduates to be successful and happy, develop, set ambitious goals, achieve them and remember that we are with you, we are incredibly proud of you, love you and always wait for you at our University!

Our common future, Victory and the post-war development of Ukraine depend on you! Together to our victory!
