Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



With the assistance of the UK-UKRAINE TWINNING INITIATIVE project, on October 16, 2024, an online lecture by visiting professor Peter Macqueen, assistant head of the Creative Industries Institute of Sheffield Hallam University, was held on the topic "Innovations in Corporate Identity and Packaging" for students of KNUTD.

The lecture was attended by students of the educational programs "Graphic Design", "Multimedia Design", “Digital Art” of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, the EP "Design (by types)" of the second (master's) levels of higher education, post-graduate students of the specialty 022 Design, the ESP "Design", as well as students of other educational programs and teachers of KNUTD.

Sheffield Hallam University is a partner of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in the Twinning project. The coordinators of the series of lectures for KNUTD students from Sheffield Hallam University are Roger Bateman – Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design; Pam Bowman, lecturer in the Visual Communications program.

As an expert in packaging design, Peter McQueen took a short tour in the history of the development of the popularity and importance of packaging. The main functions of packaging, which the lecturer focused on, are the protection of the product, its preservation and promotion to the market.

The importance of advertising in the promotion of goods was also considered and it was emphasized that the consumer spends only 3-5 seconds to evaluate the product and make a decision to purchase it, therefore the color and shape of the packaging and the image on it play a significant role in attracting the consumer’s attention.

Professor Peter McQueen gave examples of successful and unsuccessful packaging redesign, described the main modern trends in packaging design. The lecturer also focused students' attention on the fact that consumer perception of packaging goes through several stages, which are called "moments of truth": recognition of the product, topical use of the packaging and consumption of the product from the packaging.

After the lecture, the students and lecturers asked questions and received comprehensive answers. The lecture was held in English, which made it possible to improve the students’ foreign language competence. Linguistic support for the event was provided by Natalia Hudkova, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology and Translation of the Institute of Law and Modern Technologies of KNUTD.

We sincerely thank Professor Peter McQueen for an interesting and meaningful lecture, our colleagues from the Institute of Creative Industries of Sheffield Hallam University for organizational support!
