Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On December 10, 2024, a round table was held with the stakeholders from the academic community, employers, higher education students and graduates of the educational program “Graphic Design” of the first (bachelor’s) level, specialty 022 Design, field of knowledge 02 Culture and Art.


Participants of the round table


The event was moderated by Kalyna Pashkevych, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Design, KNUTD.

The event was attended by Natalia Chuprina, Doctor of Arts, Professor, guarantor of the program “Graphic Design”, Ruslana Bezuhla, Doctor of Arts, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Graphic Design, KNUTD, Natalia Skliarenko, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Professor of the Department of Architecture and Design, Lutsk National Technical University, Sviatoslav Berdinskykh, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Design, KROK University of Economics and Law, Andriy Sydorenko, PhD, S.S.N, Institute of Contemporary Art Problems of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Narine Maltseva, designer, director of the publishing house “NAIRI”, Alina Slivinska, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Educational and Research Institute of Design and Advertising of the National Academy of Arts and Crafts, Maryna Poliakova, PhD in Philosophy, M.S., Institute of Contemporary Art Problems of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Ivan Tsanko, graphic designer, as well as teachers and students of the Department of Graphic Design, KNUTD.

Professor Natalia Chuprina, the guarantor of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in Graphic Design, familiarized the stakeholders with the educational and professional program, main objectives, educational components (ECs) that contribute to the formation of general and professional competencies, as well as contribute to the achievement of program learning outcomes.



Event moderator Kalyna Pashkevych


Sviatoslav Berdinskykh noted the positive direction of the EPP, the presence of ECs, within which students study general and specialized software for use in the professional activities of a graphic designer. At the same time, he suggested clarifying the names of some disciplines, for example, the name of the discipline “Perspective and Shadows” should be changed to “Fundamentals of Object Visualization”.

Narine Maltseva drew attention to the importance of expanding students' competencies in business and the ability to have entrepreneurial skills for design activities; designer Ivan Tsanko emphasized the importance of students acquiring skills in shaping and layout of graphic design objects, the ability to carry out the process of designing printed products taking into account modern technologies, which is provided by a number of educational components of this educational program.


Speech by Narine Maltseva


Speech by Natalia Skliarenko


The colleagues shared their own experience of training designers in higher education institutions of Ukraine and generally praised the content of the EP, as well as provided suggestions for its improvement. Natalia Skliarenko advised to strengthen the scientific component in the training of bachelors, for example, within the discipline “Integrated Project Design”.


Speech by Marina Poliakova


During the event, the members of the working groups for the development of the EP and the academic staff of the Department (Professors: O. Yezhova, E. Hula, M. Rudenko, Assoc. Profs: O. Maznichenko, S. Podlevskyi, A. Osadcha, O. Vasyliev and others) made proposals and got acquainted with the opinions of stakeholders regarding the educational components of the EP and the need to deepen the study of certain topics in order to improve the quality of training. Mykhailo Rudenko offered employers to cooperate in the development of specific practical production tasks for students.

Bachelor students A. Vetrova, A. Stepkin, O. Toporivska, L. Kalyta, V. Mironov, Y. Bailo and others took an active part in the discussion. Student Liliia Kalyta made suggestions for improving the EPP “Graphic Design” and proposed to organize an additional meeting with students to discuss proposals for improving the EP.

Ruslana Bezuhla, Head of the Department of Graphic Design, noted the positive changes in the educational program and the improvement of the structural and logical scheme of teaching disciplines, and thanked the audience for their comments.

As a result of the online meeting, a number of proposals were agreed upon from the stakeholders to improve the educational and professional program of the bachelor's degree in Graphic Design, which will be taken into account for admission in 2025.
