During November-December 2024, students of the Faculty of Design participated and received prizes in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Qualification Works in the specialty 022 Design for students of higher education institutions of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education. The Competition was organized and conducted by the Department of Design of Kherson National Technical University.
The purpose of the Competition is to attract talented young people to research work, encourage creativity, develop professional skills, exchange experiences and best practices in completing qualification papers, their scientific and applied content, to improve the quality of training students majoring in 022 Design.
The students of the Faculty of Design of KNUTD took part in the nominations of graphic design, environmental design, and fashion design. The works were anonymously and independently reviewed by members of the professional jury. According to the jury's decision, the winners of the Competition among various design higher education institutions of Ukraine were the following students of our University:
Oleksandra Chukhalyova, supervisor – Natalia Chuprina, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Head of the Department of Art and Fashion Design. The work is presented in the nomination Fashion Design. The results of the project development substantiate the ways in which new technologies and materials influence the development of design trends of the 21st century, in particular in the context of moderate consumption of fashion products.
Results of O. Chukhalyova’s qualification work
Daria Kotelnikova, supervisors: Tetiana Bulhakova, PhD, Associate Professor, Svitlana Ostapyk, Assistant Professor of the Department of Interior and Furniture Design. The work is presented in the nomination Environmental Design. The work developed the optimal spatial organization of the clinic and the placement of functional areas, identified appropriate materials and furniture to create an aesthetic and practical interior of the dental clinic, and ensured the inclusivity of the premises for all clients, including people with disabilities.
Results of D. Kotelnikova’s qualification work
Yana Naumenko, supervisor Halyna Kokorina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Art and Fashion Design. The work is presented in the nomination Fashion Design and is dedicated to the development of a women's clothing collection based on research into trends in changing the current image in fashion in the 1910s.
Results of Ya. Naumenko’s qualification work
Olha Maksymenko, supervisor Ruslana Khinevych , PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Multimedia Design. The work is presented in the Graphic Design nomination and contains the design concept for the book "Pearls of the Starry Sky".
Results of O. Maksymenko’s qualification work
Nazar Noshchenko, supervisor Olena Slityuk, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Multimedia Design. The work is presented in the nomination Environmental Design. The authors proposed a modern design of a lamp and its integration into the interior based on the study of the Art Nouveau style.
Results of N. Noshchenko’s qualification work
Tetiana Motorna, supervisor Olha Yezhova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Graphic Design. The work is presented in the Graphic Design nomination and is dedicated to the development of a design project by R. Dahl’s book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".
Results of T. Motorna’s qualification work
Daria Tkalich, supervisor Ruslan Ahliullin, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Interior and Furniture Design . The work is presented in the nomination Environmental Design and is dedicated to the interior design of a nursing home.
Results of D. Tkalich’s qualification work
Sincere congratulations to the talented students and their academic supervisors and wishes for future creative and scientific achievements!
We thank the organizers, the Department of Design of Kherson National Technical University, for holding the Competition!